HELP! My music isn't working!

Hi guys! So recently, I’ve been playing around with the music feature for my story, and I can’t seem to get this particular part to work with the music playing in the background.

So a short part of the scene is this:

** Yeah, well, I don’t know either.**
** I guess we’re just about to find out.**

@zoom on 545 385 to 386% in 3

&speechbubble is 156 197 to 105%

volume music 0 2000 (this was for a previous song)

&PERCY exits right

music music_fashionedge

volume music 100 0

** This is Cassie.**
** You will be playing as her throughout this story.**

@pause for 0.5

So the thing is, the coding doesn’t have any errors after clicking the save button, but on the app, when it gets to the part above, the music starts, and it just stops completely. I tried reloading the app, restarting my device, saving my code multiple times, and changing the volume and milliseconds # but it’s still not fixing the problem.

Any ideas on what to do? It’d be greatly appreciated!!

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Maybe turn up the volume first then add the music

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I think it’s because you stopped the previous music for 2 seconds and without 2 seconds yet you add a new music.

So it’s either you shorten the time the previous music ends or add more time for the new music to come.


It works now! Thank you so much! I got worried for a second there, haha.

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