Help with a tappable overlay

So I’m trying to code it so there’s a right arrow and left arrow tappable overlay, dressing game style. But I want another separate overlay to move and be replaced with the click. This worked perfectly with the right arrow, but for some reason the left arrow just acts as another right arrow. What do I need to fix to make it work both ways? Also, it seems that tapping anywhere will cause it to act as a right arrow, as I’ve found. Sooo… where am I messing up? (lmk if you need more code stuff, too)

Here’s an example for part of the code:

@overlay FEM SIGN create
&overlay FEM SIGN shifts to 159 285 in zone 1
&overlay FEM SIGN scales to 1.0 1.0
&overlay FEM SIGN rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5
&overlay FEM SIGN to layer 1
&overlay FEM SIGN opacity 0
&overlay FEM SIGN opacity 1 in 1

@overlay MASC SIGN create
&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 89 285 in zone 2
&overlay MASC SIGN scales to 1.0 1.0
&overlay MASC SIGN rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5
&overlay MASC SIGN to layer 1
&overlay MASC SIGN opacity 1

@overlay PLUS SIGN create
&overlay PLUS SIGN shifts to 89 285 in zone 2
&overlay PLUS SIGN scales to 1.0 1.0
&overlay PLUS SIGN rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5
&overlay PLUS SIGN to layer 1
&overlay PLUS SIGN opacity 1

goto MAriel_right
goto PLUSiel_left


#masc right
label MAriel_right

&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 89 285 in zone 2
&overlay MASC SIGN scales to 1.0 1.0
&overlay MASC SIGN rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5
&overlay MASC SIGN to layer 1
&overlay MASC SIGN opacity 1

&overlay FEM SIGN shifts to -89 285 in zone 1 in 1.5
&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 159 285 in zone 1 in 1.5

goto PLUSiel_right
goto FAriel_left


#masc left
label MAriel_left

&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to -89 285 in zone 2
&overlay MASC SIGN scales to 1.0 1.0
&overlay MASC SIGN rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5
&overlay MASC SIGN to layer 1
&overlay MASC SIGN opacity 1

&overlay PLUS SIGN shifts to 89 285 in zone 1 in 1.5
&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 159 285 in zone 1 in 1.5

goto PLUSiel_right
goto FAriel_left


Can you show me the overlay on the screen? Like in the writers portal, tap the right arrow and show me how it is with the white square around it. Sometimes when you’re trying to tap on one overlay doesn’t work and it makes it seem like you tapped the other overlay on accident, happens because the square around that ‘other overlay’ is too big, overlapping that one overlay.

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ooh wait yeah, that’d be an issue, their boxes absolutely overlap. How would I go about fixing that?

Just crop the overlays then reupload under the same names

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Alright, thank ye, i’ll do that

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