Help with directingg

I’m directing a scene where the camera is zoomed in and follows the MC’s feet while she’s walking and then I want to cut the camera and zoom to somewhere else (a poster on the wall) but I don’t want to show that the character stopped walking. So basically I want to interrupt the walking and cut the camera to somewhere else (that doesn’t involve the character).
Could someone please help me with the coding ? I hope I made sense lol thanks in advance <33

@zoom reset

@cut to zone 2

@MC spot 1.280 55 115 in zone 2 at layer 3 AND MC faces left
@zoom on 323 0 to 313% in 0

&MC walks to spot 1.280 55 111 in zone 1 in 5 AND MC faces left AND MC does it while walk_neutral_loop
&pan to zone 1 in 4
@zoom on 13 0 to 313% in 4

####here is the cut to the poster on the wall but I can’t figure it out

@cut to zone 2
@zoom on 411 468 to 327% in 0

Try this :thinking:

&MC walks to spot 1.280 55 111 in zone 1 in 5 AND MC faces left AND MC does it while walk_neutral_loop
&pan to zone 1 in 4
&zoom on 13 0 to 313% in 4
@pause for 3

####here is the cut to the poster on the wall but I can’t figure it out

@cut to zone 2
@zoom on 411 468 to 327% in 0

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Yess it worked !! I also think it was bugging earlier but now it’s working.
Thank you sm <3

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no problem! Happy I could help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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