Help with finding backgrounds!

Hi there! I recently startes again on episode after being gone for almost 2 years :smiling_face_with_tear:
Anyway, I’m really struggling with finding backgrounds, I uses to use real-life images to keep the aesthetic of my story, but can’t find the webs I used to visit :frowning:
I also found some pics I got from a creator but can’t remember them or how to find them!
Can someone help me?

HI! is it alright if i use these backgrounds once you find the creators?

I guess it’s alright, but that’s not of me to give permission :face_with_peeking_eye: We can check with the creator if anyone knows who they are!

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np! thanks!


I do custome backgrounds . Can have ready within 24 hours depending on what you want . First background is free , no watermarks . No need to credit .

shes not looking for someone to do custom backgrounds. She’s looking for the owner of the backgrounds :skull:

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It was just a general comment , letting anyone looking for backgrounds know

@Leah8 @maandy Thank you both! hahaha :heart_hands: I am just curious to find the artist to these backgrounds, no need of more backgrounds at the moment thank you!


U can create your own thread. Since people who are looking at this thread will be looking for the creator and not someone who creates backgrounds

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Hi Leah8 :blush: :wave:
is the request for making custom backgrounds still open?