Hi, I just joined!

Greetings, everyone!
I’m new around, found about Episodes through an ad in another game and decided to give it a try.
My apologies if there’s a thread for introductions, really couldn’t find it…
Anyway, it’s good to be around, I hope to meet people, make friends and read awesome stories!


Welcome :wave: :smiley: how do you like it so far? :grinning:

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How do you like it so far?

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Hi, welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy it here it’s a great place and I’m sure you’ll love it.

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Hello, hope you like it.

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Welcome, feel free to PM me if you need anything :grin::+1:

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Hii, welcome to the forums! If you need anything forums can be really helpful (just saying)
Im not as new as you think i’ve had several accounts. Also how’s it going so far?

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Hello!!! :wave:t4::blush:

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Heyoo!! Welcome to the forums!! If you are ever in need of a waffle, I’m here for you!


Hi I’m Leslie and welcome to forums if you ever need a friend then please pm :grin:

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For those asking me how’s it going so far:
It’s a whole new experience to me. I love to read stories, also to tell them, and Episodes gives a very dynamical way of doing that!


I love Episode and the community here is full of amazing people so hopefully you enjoy it around here like I do

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Hey! You can call me Random. Welcome to the forums!! Enjoy your stay!


Welcome to the forums! :smiley:

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Well hello! Welcome to the crazy website we call the Forums! :smile:
It’s nice to know we are getting all kinds of new users! It’s so cool to know others lover Episode as well!!

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Heyyyyyyyyyy (yes i’m that one extra person who has to add like 500 Y’s)
How do you like it so far. You fitting in well? We can be friends if you want IDK LOL i need more friends i’m loney on here. All my friends are on instagram and none on episode forums :sob::sob: but heyyyyyy i’m alright LOL. Tbh I love people on here they are so friendly.


Hey!!! Hope you like it in here. How are you liking the forums so far? Everyone here’s friendly. I hope you like it here.

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Well, I am glad you are liking it so far!
I really get you. When I was new too on Episode, I was actually miracled away by the visual animation story telling platform it provides!
I remember that I used to be obsessed with The Mean Girls series (because I was kinda younger that time and got awkward around user stories which were too, um, intense, they were new to me, haha).
I also read Hollywood Days With Hayes and Emerald and Juvie! Juvie was my absolute favorite of all times. First, I love Jules’ hairstyle and the mystery that revolves and the adventure which goes on in the story!


We can be friends


Does this mean you are staying