How do I add blood?

So I’m trying to make it seem as if a character is dead. I got the body ready on the ground, rear, laying down, but I’ve seen in some stories they add blood to the floor to make it seem like as they got killed, they bled. How do you make this affect?

all you have to do is add an overlay. you can find them on internet or make one by yourself. it’s not hard, all you have to do is draw a red stain shaped in whatever you like. i hope you understand and im here if you need my help!

Oh…how do you make one?

I recommend looking for a png on pngtree

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Here. @Maria12211



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What is the overlay that you put called?

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Yes I got it, thank you all very much :smiley:

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@awwdaniela I actually have the same question but how do you make it look like the blood os spilling from the character ?? I’m making a thriller and I really need it thanks !! :pray:t3::pray:t3:

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i actually never tried it before, but as far as i’ve seen i think u only need to change its size. basically u make it really small in the beginning and put it under the character u want to spill blood from and then just change its size. it will look like it’s slowly spilling. i hope u understand what i mean. if u need my help with directing it, im here !:white_heart:

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You need to use overlays and shift it, as well as scale it.