How do I code pronoun options

Lol it’s been awhile since I coded things im really confused what’s the difference between “if” and “elif”

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Yeah, using gains is the best way to use pronouns correctly.


I totally forgot about simply doing “gain” instead of points lol it’s been so long I rlly gotta watch more vids again

That seems okay. Test it out, I haven’t done a points system in that way, so it might just work. But you could just use gains then if and elif commands in your script as the dialogue goes on. But in the way that you have those labels, you would have to change them to:
label_zedialogue, label_zedialogue1, label_zedialogue2, etc. every time you use a pronoun in your script or it will have errors.


Yea I know about the adding numbers should’ve clarified and thank u I hope this works I think I prefer points over gains (mostly because I don’t have to change anything now lol) but I might change alternating pronouns to a gain instead of a point that way after they’ve chosen that option I can then do a point choice asking which pronoun they want for that chapter

That’s going to complicate it for yourself, there is a much easier process of doing this x Let me explain in another message. It’ll be a PM x


Alright np thanks!

If you wanted to use gains:

“She/her/her/hers/herself” {
gain she
} “He/him/him/his/himself” {
gain he
} “They/them/them/theirs/themself” {
gain they
} “Xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself” {
gain xe
} “Ey/em/eir/eirs/emself” {
gain ey
} “Ae/aer/aer/aers/aerself” {
gain ae
} “Fae/faer/faer/faers/faerself” {
gain fae
} “Ve/vir/vir/virs/virself” {
gain ve
} “Ze/zir/zir/zirs/zirself” {
gain ze
} “Alternating pronouns” {
gain altp

#To refer to it, you don’t need to use labels because you can just put the dialogue inside the brackets. So whenever you have a particular dialogue that uses the pronouns use this:

if (she) {
} elif (he) {
} elif (they) {
} elif (xe) {
} elif (ey) {
} elif (ae) {
} elif (fae) {
} elif (ve) {
} elif (ze) {
} elif (altp) {

That’s a bit hard for me to explain lol maybe lilyplots can help you with that. :grimacing:
If I could word the difference I would say that elif is used when there’s more than one different thing you want to refer to. If there’s two then you can just do if/else. If there’s 3 or more then you use elif. If there’s just one then you use only if. But you can also do it the way you were which was creating individual if’s. Basically if you had 3 options, it’s like “if” not this then “elif” if not “elif” then “else”.
:woozy_face: Like I said it’s a bit hard for me to explain lol.

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Thanks this rlly helps!!

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I tried :sob: but I’m sure when you get back into it, you’ll start remembering what you knew. :relaxed:
Best of luck! :sunflower: Also I think it’s awesome you are incorporating that into your story! :clap:t3:

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Thanks!!! I wanna try to be really inclusive of all identities. Inclusivity is extremely lacking in virtual stories

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