How do you draw art?

Sooo I was just scrolling around looking at everyone’s wonderful art. But, I’m just curious to know how you draw! Like, do you freehand, create a base first, sketch everything, or use a model before overlaying everything on top?

I freehand everything (Sometimes, I draw inspiration from random things and add my own ideas to it, before I realize I changed the entire thing):wink:, but I’m interested in knowing your styles. :smile:

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I kinda take a photo that I want the character to be shaped like and kinda copy it a little but add my own touch.


Ooh that’s so cool! :heart:


Ty :joy::blue_heart:

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Episode art: trace a character and freestyle some certain areas like the edges of hair
Anime art: for me, I make a simple base just maybe a quick sketch of it and then start tracing and doing the actual outline.

This is for digital art, on paper I freestyle tho sometimes I make the circle for the head and stuff like that.


sometimes I sketch and sometimes I use some photos and draw on top of them :joy:

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I often use a photo for inspiration, sketch out the basic proportions and then freehand over on a new layer :revolving_hearts:

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