How do you guys feel about teachers having relationship with there student?

High school stories like this make me feel sick. But as others mentioned, if we are talking about two adults and it happens in college… I don’t know. I had a classmate in college who fell in love with our prof who was 29. They started dating “secretly” in our senior year but yeah, some of us knew it. It was weird, but I didn’t find it disgusting. They are married now by the way.


I guess we can disagree on that lol.
But don’t you think the same could be said with a college professor?


I still find it extremely unprofessional of the professor to date his student. Like don’t shit where you eat lol. And stuff like this shouldn’t be romanticized in my opinion.


Yes, I completely agree with this. To be honest I also had a crush on one of my professors in college :sweat_smile: But jeez, I would have never told him and I was avoiding every situation where we could have talked.


Haha well there’s a difference between a harmless crush and acting on it. Besides it should be on the professor to shut it down if a student makes advances.


@episode.anon @CosmicIvy
I think maybe I have the opinion just because I actually know a couple who had a situation like this. They’ve been married for more than 10 years and they extremely happy to this day.
The professor and student never had a relationship when they were student and teacher but they did after she was in college.


you have the right to your opinions, but one singular case doesn’t change how problematic this is as a whole.


I agree that one case doesn’t change the problems with this scenario.
I don’t think they should date when they’re a student and a teacher.
But falling in love or crushing on them is different to me.
The teacher would have to shut it down if a student makes an advance on them. Even if the teacher maybe fell for the student too, the relationship can’t happen. If it’s actual love they’ll wait for when the time is right.


I find stories with relationships between teachers and high school students to be repulsive. It’s not love, it’s called statutory rape. If it’s between a student over the age of 18 and a college professor, then it would be a different story. It’s definitely unethical on the professors part and would usually get them fired, but as long as it’s between two consenting adults then it’s not really my place to judge.


I don’t mind. Stories are fiction, so it’s romantisised. Of course in reality it’s gross. But it’s kind of a taboo in reality and it doesn’t happen often, so it’s exciting to read about something like that. So if you want to write a story about it, do whatever you want






If the teacher’s hot then idc.

Lmao kidding. It is a bit weird & I never read stories like that anyway but it doesn’t bother me that much as long as the teacher isn’t like a 40 yr old man. He at least has to be in his 20’s and the student better not be no 15 yr old lmaoo.

If you ever watched pretty little liars, Ezra & Aria dated and that didn’t bother me at all bcuz it wasn’t creepy or anything. But yeah seeing it in an episode story is… idek.


oops i meant to reply to the creator of this topic lmao


Perhaps, depending on the situation. I think the dynamics change in college. The situation could still be abused by the college professor, of course. (Engaging sexual favors for better grades, etc).
As a mother, I would be furious if a teacher was dating my son or grooming him for a relationship after graduation. We send our kids to school with the expectation that they will be safe from inappropriate behavior from their teachers.
College, a bit different. Often times the dynamic between student and professor could be more lax and casual in that setting (depending on the professors personality). It’s still a situation at risk to be abused, but less so in my eyes.


Well, there was a 19 year old and a 22 year old person, that’s fine. As long as the age gap is reasonable. I mean, the age gap between my mum and my dad is 9 years, they met at uni. But it’s just the teacher-student thing. The student bribing the teacher with kisses to give her good grades. The teacher giving her bad grades if she doesn’t do well ‘in bed’. Like, jeez. It’s not sexy. It’s unprofessional and if that happened, the teacher would get fired, and the student may well be expelled.


Short Answer: No.
Long Answer: I have talked about this a couple of times, whether that teacher/student relationship is before or during college it is still wrong, whether that be legally and/or ethically. In high school, a majority of the students are underage and having a relationship with anyone underage is illegal itself. Then with high school and college, there is the issue of power dynamics and ethics. You could sleep with a teacher for a better grade or even be punished for ignoring your relationship too. Even in college when you’re a few years apart (which is almost impossible since most college professors need a doctorate degree), it is still the power dynamic issue. Please stop with these kinds of stories.


It is wrong.

I did not have a sexual relationship with my teacher… But I did have a romantic one with a man and a woman who were teachers at my school and college, respectively. Nothing wrong came out of that for us, but it is wrong according to the law… even in my country.

I would not encourage it. It is a very delicate issue, no matter my experiences.

You are allowed to think I am an idiot. I do not have a problem with that.


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There was a tutor at my uni who eventually got charged for doing this (he was apparently targeting international students who needed to do well to keep their place).
He gave me a terrible grade for “participation” and now I know why :rofl: