How do you like to come up with ideas for your stories?

Hi everyone! Today, I had a question for everyone that I thought would be cool to ask in case people are struggling to start out. That question is: how do you like to come up with ideas for your stories? Do you usually start with a plot? A character? An ending?

Personally, I usually start with a character or two that I want to be involved in the story, then I build the plot off of that. Sometimes if I’m really struggling, I actually use ChatGPT to spark some inspiration. I’ll say “give me ideas for a romance story” or “give me ideas for a thriller story,” and they’ll tell me a couple basic ideas, which help me start thinking along those lines. What I struggle with the most is coming up with the beginning and end.

Anyways, I hope this thread helps some people out! :blush:


I usually start with making the characters and after that I come up with an ending! The beginning of stories is hard for me because I just want to dive into the plot :sweat_smile: endings are also hard because I fall in love with the story and its characters which makes it hard to end it :smiling_face_with_tear:


i like to create the main character first, then build up an entire plot about them. then i make other characters and give each of them a role in the story based on the plot, such as friend, work partner etc. i also make sure to plan the beginning and the ending before beginning to write!


I do plot then characters :slight_smile:


Usually I already have a storyline in mind when I start writing a story. I already have an idea how I would like to have the storyline. Sounds weird, but during the writing the storyline I had in mind can change in other direction a little bit. But the end always stays the same.

My advice write down the most important details like the titles of each chapter of your story, the names and other details of your main and side characters and the artists and authors you need to credit for the cover, backgrounds and/or overlays.

And during writing. If you get a writers block take a break. Doesn’t matter how long the break takes, as long as your head is clear everything is fine. You need to realize you’re human and are allowed to think about other stuff than only Episode. And yes it’s irritating for your readers if you’ve a five weeks break of writing. But sometimes you need a break and they need to respect that.

Love A-W


Usually, I start by creating the main character(s) I’m gonna use and the love interest if there is one. I then build up a whole plot about the characters and backup plots just incase it doesn’t turn out how i expected. Another thing is I plan out the characters personalities and usually link the story title to their personality traits or something to do with the plot.

I always plan the beginning and the ending before writing as personally, I feel like the start is harder to do than the ending, both are pretty difficult but the ending is a different issue, I come up with the ending perfectly fine, I just grow an attachment and love towards the story and the characters which makes me want to keep going and not end the story yet. :sweat_smile:


I usually merge my ideas together.
For example:

I had two different ideas for my first story, and spent about a month and a half coding the first idea.
Ended up not liking the idea on its own, and implemented a twist that would suit the action category as well as fantasy.
I’d reccomend watching movies,shows or even random edits, sometimes small things can inspire u.


I have no regrets about wasting my time coding it LOL, helped me master overlays for sure.

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I never thought of that, thank you :star_struck: :star_struck:

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I come up with the plot/storyline first. Then the characters and then a setting, or vice versa.

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Most ideas for my stories come to me randomly :sob:. My most recent one was surrounded with cyberpunk and space, then made my characters and gave them clothes to fit the aesthetic of the theme. However that story has taken me a while to code since I’m stuck on a scene but I have most of story down :weary::fist:t4:


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