How do you make your character run?

How do you make a character run? I’ve tried everything! I’ve tried @SUMMER walks to screen left AND SUMMER dose it while run_athletic_neutral_loop’ but it came up with ‘use @CHARACTER walks to x y z in s’ and I have no ideal what any of that means! Can you please help me?

@Summer walks to spot PLACE COORDINATES HERE and Summer does it while run_athleticloop

It wants you to use spot direction.
screen left is spot 1.280 60 0

@SUMMER walks to spot 1.280 60 0 and SUMMER does it while run_athletic_neutral_loop

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With me it is:
@SUMMER walks to screen left AND SUMMER is run_athletic_neutral

Yeah, didn’t work for me and I don’t know why…

I think you need to do spot 1.280 60 0 instead of screen left

Okay, thank you for the help!

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Yeah, it’s working now! (:slight_smile:

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Im having a problem making my character run, can you please help?
I have,
@CHAR walks to upscreen right AND CHAR is run_casual
but i get an error saying,
Behavior run_casual doesn’t exists for character CHAR
Any ideas? I haven’t seen anyone with this problem.

If it’s male character that’s why. Behaviour run_casual it’s only available for female

Ohhhh thank you so much! A newbie like me wouldn’t have known!

No problem :slight_smile: If you have more questions just ask :slight_smile:

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