How does everyone make such good cover photos?!

Can someone please tell me how the heck everyone does these amazing ART PHOTOS?!! ALL OF THEM ARE SO ASTONISHING! What app do you use?!! I know maybe like photoshop but you have to create a character to look like yours… JUST HOW?!?


ten years of experince in drawing

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but for real, drawing is a skill it takes many years to master, it’s not just here is five tips and you be able to draw the Mona Lisa. its practise and practise. if you wanna start to practise art I will recommend pen and paper. and drawing for at least five minutes every day. if you wanna do it digitally I recommend a cheap Wacom drawing tablet they cost around 60 dollars. and a drawing program, there I recommend Krita it’s free. I draw myself and use a Samsung tablet pro. and use the sketchbook app to draw in. I do cartoonish art thats hard enough as it is, realistic is even harder and will take you many years to master. I have a friend who does realistic, she spends 10+ hours on one face. so if you wanna draw do it, but you won’t be good before you have put 1000 hours into it.

you can btw find a lot of tutorial videos on drawing on youtube. they are good practise to follow. I draw but I am not good. you can find much better teachers who actually know how to draw. thats what I do I watch tutorial videos on drawing. and draw while doing it. or I draw myself. and say I am watching this episode on Netflix and I shall draw one thing while doing it.

though some people odd to just very nicely beg, or been and just expect free art from other artist. or been really cool and pay a commission

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also if you wanna do edited not drawn Joseph made a video about it

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I tend to draw over my characters and sometimes I distort their facial expressions. Just take screenshots of them and add some lighting highlights/contours on the characters, and use some filters to fit the mood!


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I think many people request a cover from other people, for example i do only covers (cause i find really difficult to write on episode there are lots of coding and so on and I’m just not good at doing it, so i find easier drawing something).
So you can find a free shop here on the forum that is able to help you without paying or you can ask to someone that do commissions (like me) and it’s not free also cause i use an app (procreate) that is not free. While I’m there if you need a commission for a cover i can totally do it for you, here some example of mine:

But if you are not willing to pay there are lots of shops here on the forum that are free and that can make you a very cool cover, or if you want to draw a digital art by yourself i recommend to have a tablet with a pencil and to search for some app, i really recommend to you procreate even though it’s not free, otherwise i think there are other free apps that can help you (i don’t know the names sorry). I think that’s it if you need anything else let me know :kissing_heart:


Here’s one shop that i know and the girls there are really awesome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so if you need anything also for free you can ask to them


A lot of ppl use different things, there are some people who use ibis paint, fire alpaca, adobe paint, photoshop, krita, gimp, clip studio paint etc.The tool/program doesnt matter if you know what you’re doing.They all basically work the same and equally efficetly if you know what you’re doing. Paying close attention to your favorite artist’s art helps a lot too


I started drawing in May.

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It’s true you girls are amazing :kissing_heart:


I drew one and commissioned another. it’s totally a personal preference but it just makes my heart smile looking at something someone spent their time and effort working on just for me :pleading_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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