I’m in need of a Spanish translator

Hi so my new story called “Cherri’s Year” will be published on the 26th of this month! But the family speaks Spanish to communicate with the mom. Can someone help me with the Spanish translation?

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I can help!


Thank you!! Do you want me to pm you?

Sure :fairy:

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Hii I have another episode that needs translation if your okay with that?

No problem, what do you want me to translate?

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Hey mom

Hey sweetie

How was school?

Same ole boring school

But I am in a coding club

That’s good honey

Are you liking?

Yeah it’s okay.

I could say the boys are friendly but……

I’m pretty sure one acts dumb

Well that’s good that you joined a club.

You can put that on your college applications


Sweets I know you don’t want to talk about this now

But now is the time for you to start applying to colleges

Better safe then sorry

But I have to work late tonight will you and Chris be okay?

We aren’t babies of course we will be okay

Love you Don’t forget to pick Chris up from practice.

I won’t.

Just sent you a PM : )