I’m ready to quit

Hi wanna quit everything episode so bad rn like my stuff keeps getting flagged on forums for the dumbest reasons I’m asking for art scenes for my story and my artists keep ghosting me and I’m getting unmotivated to write when I have two stories one published not getting many reads and one that just really unmotivated to write for some reason and it’s just getting difficult can y’all convince me to stay cause I do like it here a lot but like it just gets so frustrating ugh


Don’t quit! I know how it feels to be unmotivated and it’s so annoying but instead of quitting take a break for a while until you have a fresh mindset.
And for the reads, write for yourself, I know having heaps of reads are very motivating but in the end of the day if you enjoy writing then the reads shouldn’t matter too much.

Anyway, whatever you decide to choose, I hope it’s good for you and it makes you feel better!


I get reads shouldn’t matter it’s just annoying and makes me less motivated because I feel like I’m doing it for nothing ya know and after being like bullied into changing it and having to correct so many things I’m not as interested in but like I’m still interested and I wanna do it but I kinda don’t in a way it just sucks


Thanks I really appreciate it

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Hey, don’t give up please don’t just like you said to me.
I know writing on here is hard and it takes time especially as a new author.
But, it’s okay to take a break i’m sorry those artist are ghosting you shame on them and I don’t why you’re getting flag but maybe take a break, that’s what I’m trying to do take it day by day and write when you feel like it not to pleased others. You can still write but don’t rush or overwork yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When I first started out, I was also getting unmotivated with reads and I wasn’t good at directing, So I actually took a break from that story. but I still tried to write for fun.
And focus on how to improve coding and planning out.
But I do understand how it is unmotivated when you don’t have supporters or anyone willing to help you. So, if you want you can take a break. and cancel the request from this artist too go to a different shop.


Oh I’m sorry you had to go through that, no one should be bullied into changing things!

Well what helps me stay motivated is
Listening to music,
Watching edits,
Watching movies for inspo.

Maybe these things can give you some ideas for motivation.


Hey, please don’t quit! Even though I am a beginner writer myself, I know the pain of being unmotivated. It might take a while to get motivation again, but at least take a break if needed. Breaks can help you relieve the stress, and make you feel better again, As mentioned by someone else, I think movies/TV shows can give great inspiration for your writing. Also, I’m sorry to hear your posts/things are being flagged. :((


Thanks I got bullied into changing so much that it’s not even the same as much and it’s just so difficult I admit I did a touchy topic it was a mafia story and I know not everyone likes that but I do and it was just so annoying changing it so much and I had to fix little things like directing so many times cause people wouldn’t read for READ FOR READS like it’s to help promote not discourage the author ugh it’s just really frustrating but I really love writing and people are ruining it for me this is my first time and it’s just difficult I think I may take a break idk


Thanks I really appreciate it

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No problem, just do what’s best for you. :]

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I feel the same way when I started out.

They’re not bullying you there just trying to help I understand you think that way.
But when I asked for help and they want you to change things it’s just trying to improve your story,
It’s okay to revamped you’re a story that’s what I planned on doing yes it takes a lot of work and time and effect if you’re willing to do it then don’t let it stop you.

I say my own experience in my first story everyone said it has a cliche like it’s a bad thing but it’s nothing wrong with some cliches. because I know I can improve and make it different and even a little cliches perks to it. And I actually really enjoy my story, I ain’t letting people bring me down and making me want to quit it.
(Trust me I ain’t going to quit it even if they want me too.)

What I’m saying it’s nothing wrong with starting over many authors have made CHANGES to there stories even big authors and those cliches too.
It’s nothing with making mistakes all you’re story we all do but that doesn’t mean it can’t be changed or fixed you can improve and grow as an author it just takes time and patience.


You don’t have to change everything they said they’re just trying to help a few people are.
Also reading other stories might help.
Watching t.v shows. music. and taking it slow and relax.


I’m not trying to be rude annoying or sensitive but it was definitely bullying some were just normal reviewers which I think u may think I may be talking about but I’ve got pms saying they won’t read because of poor directing when it’s a read for read and only said negative things a bout my story and that I just shouldn’t keep writing and there were other people who said I needed to change my topic because nobody would read it which I understand for some people it’s a touchy topic but there are lots of people who like that topic and they literally made me feel forced to change it they couldn’t understand that I wanted to write about instead they told me I know nothing about my topic which I admit I hadn’t researched yet which I mentioned but they kept coming at me and I literally changed so much of it I was writing a mafia story whic there are many of but they literally made me feel like crap


If you feel that way, then maybe you don’t have a passion for writing? Maybe you do it because of reads? Maybe you want to feel accomplished but you really don’t feel accomplished? In my opinion you’re doing it for something. Personally, I do it for me and because I enjoy making episodes. I really give my all to learn how to code and actually come up with an interesting story. Maybe you’re rushing to get a story out? That’s not the greatest move in my opinion. If you feel the need to rush, you’ll become unmotivated to finish but won’t feel satisfied at the end.

Being bullied into changing is not okay. But let’s not confuse constructive criticism. After all, if you’re asking for a review, you’re going to get the raw review. You chose to get a review, therefore get ready for some changes or any advice. I know some awesome proofreaders who aren’t rude and don’t bully. If you feel like you’ve been bullied, I say pm them to clear the air.

Hay girl, I feel you on this one. But honestly it is what is it, I ignore. I won’t lie I get so mad but what can I do? I ain’t about to throw more rocks at a rock who isn’t going to change.

That’s crazy, I’ve never had anyone ghost me. Hm, maybe 1? I think. I don’t remember. That’s not okay and I’m sorry you’ve have to go through that. But please don’t forget, they’re humans like us. I’m not saying it’s okay to ghost but think about the requests they’re getting? Maybe they’re stressed with work, school, family issues, self discovery, grieving, depressed the list goes on. But as an artist it’s their duty to let us know.

Hm, if reads are making you feel unmotivated to write. If I were you, personally I would take a break. Or leave, it is what it is. But one thing I admire about you is that you vent and that’s a great thing!

I can’t convince you to stay, that’s your decision to make. If it’s making you feel frustrated then take a break then come back. Not too long ago, I was feeling very anxious so I left for a few days. I felt so much better and relieved.


I understand that but this wasn’t me asking for reviews people literally came at me for writing about mafia which I understand not everybody likes which is okay but like I got REALLY rude pms after that and it was so discouraging I just wanted some things that are like cliches and stuff and instead I got such rude comments which hurt but I got over it it just makes me discouraged ya know


I really like writing but after changing it so many times it barely felt like my story and I love writing but I also don’t like wasting time what if my writing isn’t even good I like it but I don’t wanna waste my time on something I’m not getting any better with


Girl — people are su rude nowadays. Yes, I know it’s an example. My fault for not putting “For example”.

Honestly, I would leave. I don’t want surround myself with negative people or even feel any sorts of vibe of negativity. If I sense it, I leave.

Life is too short to be putting up with idiotic people.

— report them.

Ahh my fault — I ain’t read right.


That’s how I feel about it I understand they’re human too I’m also an artist but I wanna know if u can no longer do it or maybe it’s taking more time that u thought which I explain to her but I still got ghosted


You can always get better at it and ask for help there are resources out there.
Writing is all about improving and trying something new and different in you’re writing style.

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