I need a hospital window background overlay

I have a character in the hospital who’s brother is in the room with her. I want to have a scene with the two friends looking through a window at them. So I guess it would be a window type overlay? I know I’ve seen one before. I just can’t find it now that I need it.

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The window overlay is from Pixabay. I made it to match this 2-zone background (INT. JUVIE HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY):

I hope this is what you were looking for. ^^


This is exactly what I’m looking for!!
I’ve never used a background/overlay like this before. So how would I do that?
Also, how can I credit you? :blush:

My suggestion is to use a code like this:

INT. JUVIE HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY with OVERLAYNAME to 1.0 0 0 in zone 1 at layer 0
&overlay OVERLAYNAME opacity 1 in 0
&CHARACTER1 spot x.xxx x x in zone 2 at layer 1 AND CHARACTER1 is animation AND CHARACTER1 faces left AND CHARACTER2 spot x.xxx x x in zone 2 at layer 2 AND CHARACTER2 is animation AND CHARACTER2 faces right AND CHARACTER3 spot x.xxx x x in zone 2 at layer -1 AND CHARACTER3 is animation AND CHARACTER3 faces left/right
&zoom reset
&cut to zone 2
@transition fade in 1

But it’s just an example, ofc, you can add more characters, they can walk in instead of already standing there, you can use another kind of transition (or none)… ^^ Just use the right layers. If someone is inside the room, put them behind layer 0 (so layer -1, -2, -3, and so on), and if someone is in front of the window, add them to layer 1, 2, 3+. And you don’t need to credit me. ^^

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How can we credit you

You don’t need to credit me. It took only a few minutes to make it. ^^

How nice of you…:heart: But it’s your work you deserve credit…

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If you insist @jiangshi.episode is my IG handle. ^^

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Okay, I’ll surely credit on your Instagram. :wink:

But these image are not resize so, I’ll resize them to 1280× 1136 which will upload in episode portal easily

You may use them in future if you want.

Mine are the same size. ^^

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Hehe my bad.

Hi Is it okay if I use your work? I will you give credit.

Sure. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much.

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