In desperate need of hand/arm overlay's

feel free to move the category, if I have put this in the wrong place,

But I really need some hand/arm overlays.
I saw an overlay earlier on here that was perfect but it just wasn’t the right skin tone,
Basically the girl wakes up and is staring at her hands but I also want to be able to see her arms.
The skin tone is Rose 8, if you have what I’m looking for or something close to it, please share, and put how you would like to be credited, thank you… :blush:

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Hey!:purple_heart: check out this link from @SHOUTOUT Limb overlay [limelight]-female & male all skin tones - #12 by SHOUTOUT
Hope this helps 🫶🏽💕

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Like palm up type of view? :eyes:
If so I can adjust this and get it to you by the end of the day as I’m currently at my aunts house visiting and will basically need to ask for her wifi :joy:

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Yes, that’s even better than the one I saw earlier, yes please, and you can take your time, it’s okay :smiling_face:

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Does the character have any tattoos by any chance as well? If so I can add it on to it

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Only on her shoulder but you shouldn’t be able to see that.

And I’m sorry for the late reply.

Here is it, let me know if you want something added or changed.
I tiried blending it the best i could but my fingers failed me lol

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It looks amazing :heart_eyes: thank you so much :smiling_face: how would you like to be credited?

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My instagram @ryder_epii is fine and your welcome, glad you like it🥰