In Need of Background Characters! (INK) ✨ :blob_hearts:

Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is well!! :sparkles:

I’m in need of background characters!! (For this story I’m writing) (INK) :sob::weary: Sooo drop down your deets!! It’ll be great!!! And along with how you want to be credited!! :sparkling_heart:

Your help is highly appreciated xx :blob_hearts:

Hope y’all have a good day/night!!! Xx


Credit instagram @ryder_epii

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You can credit me as my user, it’s the same on forums or insta.:relaxed:

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@Ryder14 @phoenix.brunet

Thank you so much!! :sparkles: :pleading_face: :blob_hearts:


Bump! :sparkles: Need more characters! :pleading_face: :blob_hearts:

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feel free to use mine if u still need some

Skin: olive
Face: oval
Nose: upturned
Brows: defined natural
Eyes: upturned feline - blue
Hair: beach waves - platinum blonde
Lips: full round - taupe

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Thank you so much!! :sparkles: :blob_hearts:

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Bump! I don’t have ink characters but if I make some I’d post here :slight_smile:

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Thank you sooo much!!! :sob: :sparkles: :blob_hearts: :face_holding_back_tears:

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Bump! :sparkles: :blob_sun: :blob_hearts:

Bump!! :sparkles: :blob_hearts: :blob_sun:

I made a google form for background characters! If ya’ll are interested, feel free to fill it out xx

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THANK YOUUUUU :blob_hearts: :pleading_face: :sob: :sparkles:

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