Lgbt+ Witch & princess interactive story?

I’m looking for a story where a witch & a princess fall in love. Lime light would be preferred. If anyone knows or has made stories like this please do promote it here :black_heart:

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Bump… I’m really hoping there is one

I’ll make one for you :smiling_face:


Really?! That’s so nice of you. Thank you so much. Im a very new to coding in episode but if you need character ideas I could try to help

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Oh great you just inspired another story idea😂

Are you looking for a story with or without CC? Or does it smtter because I’m thinking art scenes

This is actually a first for me :sweat_smile:

Me personally I don’t care because in the end I’ll be used to the character. Though I do like making the mc look like my episode avatar

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I’ve finished creating the main characters!


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Sucks I can only give one heart

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lol what’s your episode name so I can follow you? I’ll make you a story but it won’t be done by today :rofl:

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Yeah that’s fine. Take your time. It’s also the same name as my user here. You’ve already followed me

oh lol I didn’t notice that :clown_face:

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XD. Yeah I think after I found you on forums I followed you yesterday and you followed back

Ooo well this is embarrassing well umm anyways I have a plot in mind so I guess I’ll start writing soon. I can keep you updated if you want or give you a brief summary… Because I don’t want it to be completely different from your original idea. :sob:

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Nah. Don’t be embarrassed. I can’t even be mad or downplay you forgetting because I have a terrible memory.

And either is fine which ever you prefer. Also it’s your story sure it may be my idea but I’m not the one writing it so you can write it how you want

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