[Limelight] Art Release: Channel Your Inner Sparkle this Month!

I don’t know why but I feel bad for laughing at how awful these outfits are. Like no offence but do you guys have only one art design person? If so- maybe get a new one and give us what we wanted?? Like isn’t month release supposed to have a bit of everything? - Bg, clothing, hairstyles, animations etc. like can’t u guys keep ur promises on what we have been asking. like yeah you guys have a life too but dealing with low expectations for these updates for generic female, plus size and male is pathetic at this point.:grimacing:


I would only use the unicorn headbands… and that would be for the kid characters…


I mean, the backgrounds are nice… :sob:don’t know about the outfits :sweat_smile:


The outfits leave me… speechless. :sob: :no_mouth:


Halloween themed costumes and still didn’t give us the practical armor that doesn’t expose the woman’s thighs and arms :woozy_face:


The boots make me think of… shoe monsters??? :woman_shrugging:


Can we pick a day for updates already? I’m so confused because every update has been a different day (like today is wednesday, I thought updates were now on Tuesdays?)

…I really have nothing to say about the update. Its nice that they’re trying to create new items for all the characters but honestly? I was expecting a variety of costume items… instead we got unicorns. woohoo. :expressionless:


uh, obviously there’s never gonna be a situation where you need to protect your torso but not your limbs O.o


I don’t want this to sound rude but this release really is just disappointing, I mean it’s Halloween month yet we get some strange looking clothes instead of cool scary costumes as we expected and as always only clothing and some backgounds/overlays sometimes.
Personally I get disappointed every time with every new release to the fact that I don’t even bother to see a new Art Release; it’s actually always mostly clothing. This is my opinion for like 2 years now.
I mean yeah cool, clothing is also something we need but don’t you guys think we have enough of that?!
My dream is to just get a notification of an Art Release and come and find a list with many needed animations; to help our characters express their feelings more. To help us writers show the readers the true feeling behind the script we’ve written.
Or a list with some new music; to give that feeling to the reader.
However I know that this won’t really ever happen or if it happens then that is probably a long time from now.

All I’m saying is: Please listen to us and give us the stuff that we need. Otherwise you’ll continue to disappoint us.

I’m not being rude just honest.



Ummm… what? :grimacing: I’m sorry but… WHAT? The fact that Men literally have no normal clothing… and now unicorn? :woman_facepalming: WE ARE TIRED OF USING THE SAME FEW NORMAL CLOTHES FOR MEN. This is just disrespectful… I haven’t seen anyone wearing a unicorn outfit!


I like the backgrounds, the costumes not so much. I mean they could’ve made the unicorn costumes more unicorn like and not make it look like a swimsuit or a race track uniform :grimacing:


Halloween?! There’s nothing Halloween about this. I’m so disappointed in this art release.


Yes! Whenever I read a story, the men always have the same clothes because of this so then it’s like they’re the same character with a different face.


I was really hoping for a scary costume that we could use for a murderer within our horror stories. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Feel free to use my @Tory :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::star_struck:


we really waited a whole month for this??
who is this for???


I find it amazing how they manage to disappoint us with every art release. :man_walking:
Seriously though, they really just release the first thing that comes into their mind and call it a day…


I’m sure on your interactive game, readers would love to “date” a man who dresses like one. These releases could be so much better if you catered to all types of players (the list is huge and I won’t be able to list them all but i’ll some it up in few words), straight male and female outfits, gay male and female outfits, netural outfits, and incorporate all that into plus size too.


I really wish you would actually listen to your creators/readers/writers when we ask for features, assets, etc. You recently came out with the “chat with us” option, but what is that going to do? We know you couldn’t care less about our opinions so why do you keep making it seem like you’re listening. Everyone is tired and that is why so many people are leaving your community bc you do not care.


Damn, they’re going to have a hard time fitting all the edits into just TWO separate 10-slide posts with all the stuff they’re getting.