Limelight Pfp Practice!

I once again have a device that I feel comfortable drawing on. I made my profile picture not even an hour ago just to test out some things. I want to start getting back into digital episode art but profile pictures are a good place to start. So drop your character details and a color of your choice and I’ll make you a profile picture.

You do not have to use this if you don’t want to! These are just for practice!

If not all of the information is here I will choose it.
Information I need:
Character details:
Any earrings/glasses/piercings/head wear:
Extra details:

This is only for limelight characters! Personally I don’t like drawing using the INK styles so please don’t give me your INK characters!



Looks amazing!!!

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Thank you!

Hiya! I hope the character card is okay :revolving_hearts:


Hoop earrings
Nothing else :blush:

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Hey can u do an edit?
Ps finally some LL

Background: blue lightnings If u can
Ps: do you need the outfit?

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I don’t need the outfit! I’m going to do it the same as the example just so I can focus on the face and hair more than an outfit.

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Thank you!

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Ps so happy that u do LL :’)

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Wait can I change the pose?

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The facial expression you could change but there really isn’t a pose for the body because it is cut off at the shoulders. Please remember this isn’t a request thread.

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Ik :3 sorry I just wanted her to look shocked like this

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I’ll see what I can do!

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Can’t wait to see the outcome!

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Thank you for your characters!

@Episode.Golden @aj_cal.2020 @Summer4


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Thank you!

colour: up to you :slight_smile:

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