Looking for A Writerr

Hello, I’m looking for someone with a story they want to share. Ideally, I am looking for someone who has a simple story with an aim of 10 chapters they want to make. I would like it if the person already has all the dialogue and an idea of how they want things to go and I just direct it. I want to be the one to “code” it if that’s possible. I remember playing this game when I was younger and I want to be able to contribute to a story on this platform :slight_smile:


(genuinely curious) why not make a story yourself? Since you want to make a 10 chapter one it doesn’t have to be too complicated…before episode I didn’t have writing experience but I learned a lot.

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I want to focus more on coding and focus on advanced directing. Or maybe I’ll ask people if they have a scene they want to see, and ill do :woman_shrugging: . I just like the coding part of it

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