My Anniversary! Reading peoples stories 💕

Hi there! You may or may not recognize me since I’ve been gone a while, but I’m back!

And guess what?! ITS MY ANNIVERSARY !! My one year anniversary of being here to be exact.

So, in honor of that, I am going to be reading an episode or two peoples stories!! Probably not all of them, so it’s first come first serve.

Share away!! :blush::two_hearts:


I just wanted to say happy anniversary I don’t have a published story… But this is a very thoughtful way to celebrate!

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Hey episode_summer,

Welcome back, hun!! And happy anniversary!! I definitely recognize you. :wink: Please, read my stories ’Cat Paws And Wolf Claws’, ‘Little Star’ LL, ‘For HIS Sake’, and/or ‘The Runaway Groom’ LL and INK.

Number 1:

Cover Cat Paws And Wolf Claws:

Title: ‘Cat Paws And Wolf Claws’

Author: AngelWings

Instagram: @angelwings_1983

Genre: Fantasy

Style: LL

Episodes: 17 (More are following!!)

Link Cat Paws, Wolf Claws:

Description: You, a 49 year old female werecat, find an 9 year old orphan at your doorstep. What secrets will unfold, when you decide to take care of him??? No CC, Fantasy, Romance, choices… Female MC Male LI

Number 2:

:point_right: :point_right: 8 episodes, more are following:

Links The Runaway Groom:

Cover The Runaway Groom:


Description: You, a bi-male, runs away the 15th time at the aisle. What are you going to do if number 16 is the first one that ran away from you?? Male MC, Male LI, comedy, little bit of mafia and LGBTQ+

Number 3:

:point_right: :point_right: And now my pride, my baby:

Title: ‘For HIS Sake’

Author: AngelWings

Instagram: @angelwings_1983

Genre: LGBTQ+

Style: LL

Episodes: 21 (More are following!!)

Description: After a tragedy you decide to turn your life upside down. You quit your job and has one friend left. That changes when you meet him… Your LI…

:wink: Male MC, Male LI CC, LGBTQ+



Small cover FHS

Number 4:

Link Little Star:

Cover Little Star:

By AngelWings

Description: Your husband and you are trying to get children for years… finally she’s there… but she’s born dead… (LL) CC, Choices, 1 LI.

For a final special revamp (So, better not read it. :wink: )

  • Little Star INK (After revamp it’s complete);

  • The Door Is Open LL (After revamp it’s complete);

  • The Door Is Open INK (After revamp it’s complete);

  • The Search of Thomas f*ing White (LL) (Still continues after revamp…);

  • Bounded Minds (INK) (Still continues after revamp…);

  • Bounded Minds (LL) (Still continues after revamp…).

Happy reading and stay safe!!

Love A-W

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Happy anniversary and thank you for the thread! Hope you read my story and enjoy it :))

Genre: Romance/Fantasy

Episodes: 7 at the moment but more are coming!

Instagram: u.episode.u

Link: Episode Writer Portal

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Happy anniversary :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts: this is super sweet of you to do.

My story is called They Call Him Death


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oh wow!! i was not expecting that when i opened this thread!! but happy anniversary nonetheless!!! huge thank you for this!!

here’s mine!

Title: Mallif
Plot: Mallif = Elven for curse lifter. In the 13th century, monsters are not always evil and heartless. Monsters sometimes are just humans hidden behind a curse. (Male MC/No CC/1 LI/LL)
Genre: Fantasy


Happy forum-versary!

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Happy anniversary!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Here’s my story’s info if you’d like to give it a read!! :blush:

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Happy one year anniversary! :cake: :cake1: :cake2: :cake3: :cake4: :cake5: Thank you for this thread! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush:

Genre: Thriller/Romance
# of Episodes: 6 (ongoing)
Story Link: Desperation Story Link

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Hey thanks for this!!!

Title: Can’t Let Go
Author: Bellae
Genre: Drama/Romance
Summary: You’re stuck in an unhealthy relationship, and it’s hard for you to let go. Will you gain the courage to stand your ground? Or continue to let their words control you?
Current Episodes: 7

Link: Episode Writer Portal

Insta: @bellae_epi

What to expect:

  • Hispanic M/F LI
  • Slow burn romance
  • Full CC for MC and LI
  • Advanced directing
  • Point system
  • Art scenes


Covers done by @everlycreates

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Happy anniversary!
Here’s my story if you’re interested :kissing_heart:

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Thank you so much for doing this and happy anniversary!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkling_heart:

Story: The Unwanted
Genre: Mystery
Insta: @evilyn.writes
Episodes: 13
Style: Ink

15 years since we’ve been deemed useless and deported to Earth. Now, we reunite to solve the supernatural murders and as past becomes present, our mistakes become fatal…

Advanced directing/ overlays etc.


Thanks :hugs:

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Hey epi_summer,

Update: I have a new story that you can add to my list of stories. :wink: I just published it a few minutes ago.

Cover Colo(u)ring the Rainbow:

Title: Colo(u)ring the Rainbow

Author: AngelWings

Instagram: @angelwings_1983

Genre: LGBTQ

Style: LL

Episodes: 3 (More are following!!)

Link Colo(u)ring the Rainbow:

Description: You get in a car-accident. A kid is a witness. What happens if a judge sentence you to take care of the kid until his/her parent is out of coma? #CTR M/F MC and M/F LI CC, M/F LI kid, choices.

Happy reading and stay safe,

Love A-W

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