My story is too rushed

Okay so I really like the direction my story is going however, there is one issue. The scenes feel way to rushed, each scene is only lasting a few seconds. I’m scared adding unnecessary dialog might loose the plot. Also I kinda suck at dialog :sweat_smile: Do y’all think more dialog is my only option?



If your story feels too rushed, that probably means that you’re trying too much to get a scene over with, instead of taking a deep breath and thinking about little things here and there that may contribute to the overall reading experience.

You don’t have to force something that isn’t there, but usually, one or two little adjustments can already make a huge change. You may try to switch the point of view, camera positions, or add some breaks to your scene. Use your surroundings to your advantage: Should your characters be in a café or something similar, you may add a waiter/waitress to take up the order, or serve drinks, or something in that direction. (Without disturbing the overall flow of the scene)

You could also focus more extensively on your characters’ senses and inner thoughts. Does your character notice something about the person sitting across them? Do they maybe have some unusual habit, or a funny way of holding their knife when eating? Does the smell of fresh pie remind your character of something? Does it spark a new conversation? What is the character focusing on? Do they daydream, perhaps? (Perfect option to insert a quick scene change before falling back into reality, maybe with the character having slightly lost track of what has just been said…)

However, you should really try to not see dialogue as a task. Story writing on Episode is heavily based on dialogue; if you feel like you suck at it (which I think is most likely untrue), maybe take a look at stories you admire. What are their authors including in their dialogue? What is it that gets you involved in a story? Do they use thoughts, do they have some sort of narration…? And so on.

I hope this was at least a tiny bit useful.

Sigma :wolf:


Thank you, this is super helpful. And you’re probably right about the dialog if I’m going to write a story I’ll defiantly need to get used to writing a lot of dialog haha. I’m going to read over what I have and try to find small things that can make the scene feel more lively. Thank again! :blob_hearts:


You’re welcome, I’m glad I could help. Also, if you ever need some more ideas or want a bit of advice on a particular scene or something, I’m always happy to help! ^^


really kind advice