Need help making a better website

I need some help making my carrd website better! You can see what I have via what is linked in my profile.

Please tell me any tips or tricks you have to make a good website.


TBH you should get the universe app.
it’s free, easy to use and mkes your website look cool.
look at mine!


Thank you but I’d just like to improve the look my current website at the moment. :blush:


I think you should just experiment with different fonts and spacing to see what you like. You could add slideshows if you wanted to or your story covers and little synopsis’ instead of just their links? You could create sections of your carrd or scroll points but I think those only come with a paid subscription. If you wanted to, you could add icons to your links like the “locked” icon for links that aren’t available yet or a coffee cup for kofi etc. (:


Hmm…good idea. How do I do? Sorry, I’m new to all this carrd stuff. :sweat_smile:

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That’s okay. I was confused too when I first starting using carrd. I’ll PM you since it might be a bit lengthy and I don’t want to clog up your thread. :no_mouth:


Tagging @repujaytion & @episode.Myra because they have amazing carrds.


Haha, aw, thank you :smiling_face:
I just need to say… Why would someone flag this? :grinning:

Anyway, I’ll take a look at your Carrd and get back to you ASAP (got classes RN :sleepy:).


Alright, based on what I think would work, here are some ideas:-

  1. Definitely experiment with colours and backgrounds.
    Carrd has a lot of backgrounds you can add to the “theme” of your page. You can try one of those. I’d definitely recommend removing the plain black bg unless there’s a particular vibe you’re going form

  2. Use a bigger font size, and different fonts too. I created my Carrd on a laptop, and it wouldn’t let me “preview” fonts exactly, so I had pick each individual one and see which one I liked best. (Tbh I picked the names which sounded cool haha and then selected from them)

  3. Instead of “click link”, you can use a “button” that says “read now” or “read”. Or you can go for the link-in-picture (for eg, what I’ve done on my Carrd).

  4. This is just personal to me, maybe there are a lot of people who feel that way hehe i dunno. But
    Don’t make it unreadable :grinning:
    This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Please don’t make your font and its colour, under the given bg, unreadable for the sake of aesthetics. I exit such websites the second I see stuff like that in them.

  5. Feel free to experiment, and experiment, and then experiment some more!!!
    You can start with a given template on the Carrd official page, change it up with what you like, and what’s YOU and stuff like that. You might not like what you come up with on the first try, but hey! Just have another go at it!
    (Take it from me haha, I created mine using a template, then after a few months I’m like, ew no. And then I tried again, I took my time with it, and it became what you see today, and I’m pretty happy w it if I say so myself.)

I hope this helps! :grin:

Oh, also. Maybe remove the links to unpublished stories from your website? I mean, if you don’t want people looking at them, it just becomes accessible to everyone who opens your Carrd page.


It got flagged twice. I don’t know. :sweat_smile:


Alright. I’ll look.


Thank you!

I’ll do that. The only thing I really want is for mine is to have the boxes instead of the lines. If that makes sense.

This is an example of what I mean:

(This is from @episode.myra’s carrd.)

I also love this from yours:


Yes! You can create them using “buttons” option.


How do I do that?


Click the “+” on your editing dashboard, something like this should pop up


Thank you!


I updated my carrd website, thanks for the help!


As usual…here comes the flagging. Also, happy aniversary!

I guess just maybe make the buttons the same color? And also, adding a background colorto the buttons and making the background kinda transparent looks great too! I mean, atleast that’s the style I use…

Images as backgrounds may look better as well but don’t use something that may obstruct the reading of the text
For now, your does does look pretty good :))

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Thank you!

I made all of them red because they are unpublished. The one that is green is published.

Should I change that or…?

Hmm…I’ll try that. You might have to walk me through how to do that.

Thank you. I don’t really know what background to use, so at the moment it’s just black.

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Oh all right. That makes more sense. Changing is not required

Button backgrounds can be changed by going to the button settings and adding a bg color and changing the bar at the bottom

As I said, you do you. Tbh the black one does make it look quite good


Awesome! Thanks! Feel free to suggest any more changes I should make!


Here’s my carrd for inspo

I recommend choosing one of the templates given and mess around with it! It’s pretty simple once you get the basics of it