Need phone main screen icons overlay

Hi. I need help with finding free icons that we see on the main screen of our phones like music, messages, gallery, etc. I had found some on Google, but Episode rejected them. I tried to find free ones, but it is hard to tell which ones are free. I sent new ones, but Episode rejected them, too. I need color icons and not black and white.

Here is what I had:

Can anyone help me?


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Icon Overlays

I got these from pixabay
Hope they work !


I used these and Episode rejected them :pleading_face:

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I will try to use these. Hopefully they don’t reject them :crossed_fingers:

Do you want me to credit you?

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I had a feeling they would. The ones from pixabay definitely stands a chance.


Yeah they said that those icons that you sent right now, they are ios icons so they are brand icons that can’t be used. Hopefully the pixabay work :crossed_fingers:

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No need to give credit !

Hope they get approved

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Thank you so much! I hope so too :yellow_heart:

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Do you think you could find an icon that looks like a gallery icon or photos icon? Not a camera. That’s different.

Ohk I’ll search

Gallery Icon

Contacts icon

I can change the colors of the icons if you want !


They are perfect :yellow_heart: Thank you!

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Ohkay !
I’m glad I could help

Pm me if they don’t get approved

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Okay I will

Hey girl, I just wanted to let you know that the icons got approved. Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yay ! Congratulations :partying_face:

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Thank you! It’s a relief they finally approved them. Is it possible you can send those icons again in different colors. I need them for another character’s main screen? If not, then no worries :yellow_heart:

Sure ! Any specific theme?

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No. Just solid colors. It’s for a boy character’s main screen for his phone

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