New COMPLETED Sci-fi story! 🛰️🌌

Just published my first story after 9 abandoned projects and a stacking list of story ideas :sob: :joy:


Description: After losing communication with Earth, two astronauts struggle to return to Earth as they face destructive debris, deadly accidents, and… the lonely outer space.

Style: LL

Chapters: 3 (COMPLETED!)


Story link: Episode Writer Portal


DM me (Either on IG or forums) at least 1 screenshot per chapter, as well as the orange bar at the bottom at each chapter you read, THEN I will return you with the same process!

What's the orange bar?!

The “orange bar” is located below the status (Completed/Ongoing/None) of the story and above the episode number (Episode … of …)

:red_light: Only available for 3 chapters! :red_light:

My IG: @lxurie_n


Reading rn!


HI KIERAN thank youuuu!!! :blob_hearts: :metal2:


Congrats on publishing :two_hearts:

I totally understand how you feel! :sob::joy: I also have an abundance of story ideas, and a year ago, I used to question whether they were good enough or not. :smiling_face_with_tear: However, I made the decision to start with my first story idea and stopped questioning, because what truly matters is writing for yourself. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wants to get your story out there and for more people to notice? We’re here to help :smiling_face::heart_hands:
Anyone who needs story shout-out, review, R4R, edit or overlay, feel free to request from us! Our group page is @episode_.autumn on IG :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:🩷
We would love to help you out!!!

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I’m really grateful for your support!! :smile:

Wow… Honestly that was beautiful. The part about writing for yourself, I couldn’t agree more! Thank you so so much for sharing your ideals with me :sob: :yay:

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Congratulations on publishing it… :blush: :blush:
If you are interested in R4R (3x3) or (4x4), send me a message…

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Thank you!