New writer in need of help Doubts SOLVED!

Heeeey guys!! its me again,
I am really sorry to keep writing topics because like I have said before I am not very good at the coding part and that is why I usually dont finish stories ever and I would love to finish this one, now I have two issues that I am not sure how to fix, again from the same part of the interactive tappable menu, there are three mistakes number one says that the background doesn´t exist but it is and is also approved, I tried to copy and paste the title and also adding text below it

What could be wrong with it?
The second problem is that the three directing commands for the tappable menu, episode marks them as mistakes because they are not valid commands, again for that part I did it watching the tutorial of Mary D´Sava, can you tell me if its okay, wrong or what can be fixed?

@overlay start create from BUTTON
@overlay Customize create from BUTTON
@overlay skip_episode create from BUTTON

Could you share a screenshot of your script? There might possibly be a typo somewhere in it.

Yes of course here it is!

I think you need to have the “BUTTON” overlay actually created first in order for other overlays to be created from it e.g:

EXT. MENU with BUTTON to s x y in zone # at layer #
@overlay start create from BUTTON
@overlay Customize create from BUTTON
@overlay skip_episode create from BUTTON 


@overlay BUTTON create
@overlay start create from BUTTON
@overlay Customize create from BUTTON
@overlay skip_episode create from BUTTON

No :sob: :sob: still the same also with the background

try writing the names all uppercase

@overlay START create from BUTTON
@overlay CUSTOMIZE create from BUTTON
@overlay SKIP_EPISODE create from BUTTON

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It did solved it!!! Thank you for helping me girls!! Another weight lifted!

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I swear this is super difficult, one problem is solved but then comes another the customization template

what is the problem?

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When I click in the customize button its fine but no template works, and keeps going back to the same choices, tried the template of Joseph Evans but its shows empty. Even tried to change my own label but still the same

the command you have on line 32 makes the reader cc the character in the same way they would cc their avatar in the app, so you don’t need a template there. I suggest you use @/Dara.Amarie’s templates

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I was looking through her templates too, but my fear is that when readers click on the customization nothing happens because there is not a label corresponding to my second button , am already thinking of deleting the menu altogether because flaw after flaw after flaw keep happening

if you want, you can pm me, so I can look through the code and help you out more!

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That would be super good! Thank you!!! Where could I pm you?

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I don’t know if this is still a problem for you anymore but simply “saving” your overlay name in your script isn’t enough, even if your overlay or background is approved you NEED to refresh your script in order for it to work.

Unless you’ve resolved this issue already then happy writing :slight_smile:

Hi Iris!!! sorry for the late reply yes that problem has already been solved but now came the name tag, trying to solve them as they come, but thank you!!

of course :blush:

Can I ask you something though? Have you made gold choices? I am trying to do so but one of them dont show the script for that choice when later has to be remembered, I honestly am thinking of just asking someone to pair up with me to help me with the coding part.

Can you elaborate what you mean? Your explanation is confusing to me. Are you trying to remember a choice or make it gold or what?