Phone Notification Template

Does anyone know where I can find a blank phone notification like this?

To make something like this:

I know you create fake messages with this website and even turn them into overlays if you wanted, that’s what I did with my story

Hi…! I know this not my post but how did you remove the whole stuff and then make text as the overlay?

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I used the website above that I linked and created text messages between two characters, then screenshot it and cut them to make the overlays and used to have them be used as overlays


Thenk you :yellow_heart:

Ah no, I’m looking for a template or a website that can generate notifications.

Not sure if this is exactly what you wanted but I created this code for you.

Here are the overlays I used:



Can i use this

Yeah of course!

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Okay, credit needed rii

You can, but it’s not needed


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