Phonecalls script

Hello, and thank you for your time.
Lately I’ve seen a lot of stories with phonecalls made like this:

But I still haven’t seen any tutorials etc. showing how to do it. Cans someone help me?


It’s not something you can add to your story, it’s “spotlight” style…
When you’re a open a new story it’s gives you an option of full characters or just like this :top:
So if you’d like, I can give you another way to do phone calls, just dm me :upside_down_face:


I have seen another story that invloes spotlight with cinematic style, so I guess there has to be a coding to it.

Hm, @Cee

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Really? :thinking: I haven’t seen it yet :sweat_smile:

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You need to write:
set format spotlight

And when you’re done with it use:
set format cinematic

It will go back to normal :wink:


If you read @Cee story, she has one in there. I can’t remember her story name, but she can tell you.


oh! Wow this is very easy! Thanks for this!

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Oh ok :sweat_smile:

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If you want to check it out lol, not forcing you to. :wink:

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yes you can here is toturial in how

you can also set it to be text


Sorry, I just saw this. I basically did exactly what @Alexx.lapakka said. I use it a few times for phone calls in Beyond the Shore and Through the Sea. It’s a little trickier if you want to have just one character in spotlight, because you have to make the switch every time someone speaks, so I definitely recommend doing it for both characters. I had the MC walk “offscreen” to answer the phone before switching to spotlight so it wouldn’t look like they just popped out of existence into some kind of bubble dimension. Then I switched it back to cinematic and had them walk back on when the call was done.

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Thank you for your help. But when I placed the script with cinematic format and saved story, it opened up an error:
set format cinematic not possible in this story

Did you create your story in spotlight ot cinematic?


If you create your story in spotlight, then it can only be in spotlight. You have to create a new story in cinematic to be able to use both the cinematic and the spotlight format

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Ok, got it. Thank you. :+1:

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