Promote Your --UNIQUE-- Story Here!

Title: Catching Coal
Author: Tal Gordin
Style: Limelight
Chapters: 22
Status: Ongoing
Genre: Fantasy , Adventure , Drama
Description: Coal lives her normal, perfect life until she discovers that she’s being hunted. But how can someone kill a girl who always comes back to life?
What makes it special: Romance pace is realistic and doesn’t happen immediately, lots of plot twists, both male and female main characters, a lot of focus on the previous generation’s story (the MCs’ parents and friends play a large part in the main plot). The story also shows how a person can suddenly lose himself and become a corrupt version on oneself. I’m both the author and art-scene maker for the story :slight_smile:
Customization: Yes
Art Scenes: In chapters 1, 18, 19 & 22 (revamping and adding art scenes every 1-3 chapters).
Instagram: @talgordin.writes


Hi! My name is Diana and this is my second story!! Hope you wil like it!!! :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

TITLE: The Summer
AUTHOUR: Diana13
STYLE: Limelight
GENRE: Romance
DESCRIBTION: El was sended to spend her whole summer vacation with her at least favourite person- her father.
INSTAGRAM: diana13_episode

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Thank you for this thread :slight_smile:

Here’s my story:
Title : The roses killer
Author: Rosenspitze
Genre: Mystery/ Thriller/ Romance
Style: Limelight
Number of episodes: 21 (more episodes coming soon)
Description: Will you be able to complete this case or will your inner demons hinder you? (3 Endings, romance content)(+ Halloween special ch.15)
Instagram: rosenspitze.episode


Why you should give the story a read: Yeah I know, this story sounds at first like every detective story. But the story thematised about morals and question of guilt. Maybe, this story isn’t for everyone but I hope you give it a try.

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Title of the story : A Girl and Her Dream
Author: Suelita
Genre: Romance
Style: Limelight
Instagram: episode.suelita
Numbers of episodes: 3, but more coming soon! ( working on the next chapters right now ).

What happens when Lauren gets in touch with a famous movie director?
CHOICES MATTERS and it’s you that choose which paths she will take trough her life. LL, CC

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The Best Stories Are Worth Sharing: A Girl and Her Dream

Checkout this story, on the Episode App! If you like it, support the story by passing it along!

Story: Sorry, Wrong Number
Genre: Thriller
Summary: “And that’s how we’ll get rid of the body. Sorry, wrong number.”
When a text is sent to the wrong person, it leads to a race against time to prevent a murder. TEXT BASED
Why read this story: My story is entirely text based. No characters are shown on screen. Ever. The entire story takes place within text conversations, with the occasional narration. It’s truly a unique approach to an Episode story, that I hope you all will check out <3

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I’m enjoying The Roses Killer. Man I can’t wait to find out who is behind all of this!!

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I’m flattered! Thank you very much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
You’ll soon find out who the killer is. :wink:

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I think I know who it is but I’m gonna stay quiet in case anyone wants to read it. But I couldn’t help but the title mentioned roses because they’re my favourite flower.

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Hi! This is my new story!
I think what sets apart my story from others is my main plot. All of the other drama/ romance stories are so cliche, mine is a unique story about a new mom that is missing and declared dead, and her daughter goes to her sister. It takes you through the story and adventure of Amanda and her sister’s daughter Sophie, that Amanda sees as her own daughter. It leaves the mystery of her sister, and the troubles of life. There’s some comedy, romance, mystery, and lots of drama! I hope you check it out! Thanks!
Title : Comes Back to You
Author : SmileyOcto
Genre : Drama
Style : Ink
Number of episodes : 5 (ongoing)
Brief Description : Your sister just had a baby and a month later she is missing on the “Disappearing Plane.” Now it’s your responsibility to raise her baby Sophie. Can you handle it?
Link :

Thank you so much!
And follow me on Insta! @episode.octo

Title: Collision
Author: epi.kala
Genre: Romance, comedy
Style: INK
Episodes : 1
Description: When Faith and Josiah’s worlds collide, she ends up changing him for the better but do they both end up catching feelings for each other?
Story link:

Title: June.

Author: Aliceproductions.

Genre: Romantic comedy.

Chapters: 11 (complete.)

Style: Limelight/Classic (Ink cameo.)


Description: Ritchie is a lonely graphic designer who has just created his most successful character, June. Entranced by her beauty, how will he feel when he meets her in real life?

Hey guys! If you’re looking for a good romance/comedy/mystery to read with lots of surprising twists and turns, then you should check out my story Mystery on Hanging Hill Lane! It’s pretty good in my opinion and I’m sure you wont be disappointed!! I think that my story is different than the others because it’s not only a mystery with romance and comedy (which you don’t really get on episode), but it also has mini games and lots of choices. You choose your love interest, and if you escape alive or not depends on your choices!
Title: Mystery on Hanging Hill Lane
Author: Marshmallow O.
Genre: Mystery, Romance, Comedy
Summary: Time is running out as you and your friends try to escape the mysterious sleepover that you were invited to… Read to uncover the Mystery on Hanging Hill Lane.
Chapters: 3 (More to come!)
Style: Limelight

Create your own character!:slight_smile:

Shortened Link:
Thank you so much for reading!