Racial representation in entertainment industry. Opinion for discussion

That’s true you shouldn’t focus on what race a character is, but when we’re talking about representation, that’s exactly what we’re going to do.



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There are many definitions of racism for example :

However, my PSHE teacher believes it is discrimination of the colour of your skin and judging you by it . Sooooo I’m not going to go deep for we probably all have a different thoughts on this but I’m going to make one point …



The serious problem in ‘‘hollywood’’ and also the community is that they are focused on what they want. Not whta the majority want.

I understand, you want individuality and touching storylines and in terms of acting people want different people and diversity but in the end. ( I know people gonna get mad tf who cares.)

In the actual end, no manager or executive cares, it is about who will portray the role best and get the viewers up :woman_shrugging: and you have to look at what most people want. In terms of episode, their demographic is aimed at teenage girls so obviously they will put out what appeals to them. If you think otherwise then … . And if you really think they are going to change what they are putting out? oh hell no.

They will continue doing what will generate them money, and I know this. This is every modern-day-to-day business in the world. And I know some people will get pissed and angry but to be honest this is the truth. Nowadays people are getting bashed for using other cultures. First of all, since when was this even a bad thing? I understand if the black girl gets ignored and repressed and white praised yadayada but in the context of yeah, that white girl really wants to try box braids. LET HER. It has turned into such a dumb thing now, there are so many other things to worry about then the pale girl down the road sporting bantu knots. You guys need to grow up seriously. This is the world now and if you don’t believe me go look out.

The demographic is the most important thing in the entertainment industry and the perfect representation of the characters that will appeal to the audience. What I’m trying to put across is that even if a homeless man was the perfect match to the audience, then the producers would probably use him. This is just life. And wanting your race to be included more is absoloutely fine, but you have to realise in this day and age race doesn’t have to be the adjournment of the battle. How about more representation of disease? About cothing sense? About animals, if we want. It seems people are getting so focused on the actual skin of the character they dont care about his storyline.


To this I can only add - if u want more representation than industry can create without going against their business, create ur own content. Like episode allows


Agreed :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

At the end of the day, no one really cares about race, it’s all about quality. Funny how everyone talks of equality, but wants race in every. Single. Movie.


Hm, I suppose you can’t really blame people for being racist if all the information they can receive is from movies/films! It’s like if a person hasn’t met a russian , therefore , judges them based on characteristics films come up with which then leads them making an expectation of a russian person . The stronger this process gets , the harder it is for them to accept the reality . It eventually ends up misunderstanding them and possibly even their race,religion and lifestyle all because of their only source are movies :unamused:


And TV shows. Can’t forget the news!


Oh yes, if one of them does something, the whole community is blamed :unamused:


Well, there are people that know not to judge entire nation or race by movie, and then there are others. To be honest mostly I met first type of people, but still


Yup, the minority screwing up the majority.


Same for me as well! I’m glad I don’t meet one of those people but I’m surrounded from the first type you mentioned . However, there are those days when that person comes up to me and be like :


Like bitch TF?! Where did you get that from?!?!


Representation is definitely important. I really want a black Muslim main character for a movie. I wanna relate to it.


R u russian? :smiley:
I hear mostly bout vodka :smiley:


:see_no_evil: Ooof!

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Yeah :joy: partly. I’m used to the vodka thing but I mean… drugs?! Can’t anyone do drugs!!! It’s not just the Russians that have insane parties :unamused:

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А по-русски говоришь? :thinking:

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That reminds me …

Robby Williams got banded from Russia for this :joy::joy::joy:

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He didnt actually…

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:no_mouth: well… The news lied then …

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