🌈 RAINBOW ART SHOP (FREE/OPEN )🌈 [character cards,story cards,drawn and edited pfp ,covers,splashes,text overlays,bannersand many more]

Hi I would like to request a character edit


Character Details and outfit details


Pose Animations Wanted: idle_armscrossed_angry_loop for the girl and for the guy flirt_wink_atcamera_pose

Deadline: Take your time I’m in no rush! :grin:

@mimiepi if it’s possible can you do my request, please?

I can…but I have a handful of requests in other shops that needs to be completed…if you are willing wait I can do your request xx

@Sia_the_inked_solace Your character card has been completed!! Hope you like it! Let me know of you want anything changed xx

Character Card

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OMG I LOVE IT THANK U! It was definitely worth the wait!

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Glad you like it!!!

yes please

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@raadz Do u need both large and small cover?

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Yes please

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Hi! I would like a text overlay please:) by @akanksha.writes

  • Hand drawn or digital? - Digital Font
  • Text to be written: CONNECTED WITH YOU (all in the same overlay)
  • Colour: I’m not sure if that’s possible, but could you make something similiar to this?
  • Anything else? Something similiar to the picture, so some butterflies on top and this font (if it’s possible ofc)
    *Deadline; as fast as you can do (I’m not in stress so you can take your time)
  • Password: I will follow rules
    Thank you xx

@raadz You cover request has been completed!! Hope you like it!! Let me know if you want anything changed xx

Cover Request

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Are you still doing story covers? x

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OMG I LOVE IT :star_struck:

Thank you sooo much @mimiepi

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Glad you like it!!

Yes I am xx

Is anyone still doing cover art for stories?

is @mimiepi available?? i love the look of her art so much!

Can I request a drawn cover?

Hey @JazzDragon do you know when my request will be completed

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