Sad writing momments

Hi everyone
I wanna tell you my sad story -as the title mention- of yesterday While I was writing. I was really happy because I just needed to add two more scenes to finish my chapter and everything was going to be done. I started spotting my overlay and I wanted to move it but the horrible overlay did exactly the opposite and I said to myself “ok dont stress out maybe yo put something wrong” and I changed everything, all my coding, my spotting and the freaking overlay did the same :frowning:
Then I decided to have a panoramic view of the problem by adjusting the zoom and magicly the overlay did what I wanted it to do since the beginning and I was happy because i thought it was done and then I adjust the zoom again and everything went to s****. I feel really stressed and sad because my overlay never function and at the end I had to do another thing of what I had planned to. :frowning::sob:

Anyway! Thank for Reading
I’d love to read your stories too. Nice day! :grin:


Aw rip. I hope your writing process gets better honey :slight_smile: I’ve had moments where I posted stories but then felt like they were s**t so I just deleted them. This is the only time I feel like I did good on my new story. Hopefully I don’t delete this one either. Anyways feel better. You can always talk to me if you need someone to vent to.

Oh! I know the feeling too. I’m sure none of your stories were bad, sometimes we felt like we have to be the best while writing and IT can be stressful :frowning_face:

Thank u for your wishes! And if you want a friend, Here I am :pleading_face::heart::two_women_holding_hands:

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thanks :slight_smile: <3

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I understand the struggle of overlays and zooms. Zones confuse me the most :persevere: Make sure to preview your story on the web previewer but also the phone previewer. It helps to compare the two.
Scripting is hard- but there are many resources for help if you need them.
Good luck!

I’ve written so many stories and end up abandoning them too :sweat:
Instead of deleting them, just unlist them so you can possibly come back to them later in the future! And I’m sure your current story is great! I’d love to read it! Stay focused and keep to it :grinning:

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Thank you for your uplifting words Keekoe :slight_smile: my story is called “Stalker Alert”! If you have stories for me to read, I’ll gladly take a look <3

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My saddest writing moment is when I was just writing one day, I’d written about 4 scenes and I was close to being done with the chapter, then oop… my page decided to crash and I couldn’t get my work back no matter how hard I tried, I had to rewrite the whole 4 scenes again.:crazy_face::sob:


Oh yeah! I’ve been through that once and it’s pretty horrible :sob:

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