Script Error: No face called Heart Mature Double Chin exists

I’ve seen other similar errors to this one, but I don’t think I have the problem of misspelling and when I refresh the page the error is still there. Naturally, I am using Dara’s customization template. I do not know if there is an update in code or I am simply missing something. If I act like I fix the error, (as in putting a space then removing the space so I can preview the “new changes”) it will let me view it. But the next time I go to preview my script, the error will come up again.


This has been happening to me, too!!! It’s one of my first times writing and I tried to just delete the customization, but the error comes up again on a different one. I’ve had this template in my story for a month and just now I’m getting the error. Hopefully, you get the solution!!!

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Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I think the name is wrong, there is no Heart Mature Double Chin, there is Heart Mature Full Chin, so try changing for this name: Heart Mature Full Chin


Thank you, that worked

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Hey, I’m going to quickly add on because I don’t want to start a whole new thread for a similar problem! But, the same thing happened to me but the issue didn’t resolve when I used that. Instead it showed an error of there being no such thing as Round Double Chin! I’m using Dara’s template for a plus-size option as well!!! I would love if you guys could give some help!!!

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Change “Round Double Chin” to “Round Full Chin” and change “Long Double Chin” to “Long Full Chin”

So basically, Double needs to be replaced with Full


Thank you so much!


Episode updated the face names, so any names that previously had “double chin” in them were changed to “full chin”

I have just now updated all of my templates to change the face names.


i assumed it was on their part for renaming it! thank you so much for fixing it so fast <3