So, I Broke My Toe

Yep. I am in so much pain right now but thought I’d give everyone a laugh.
I preface this with : My five year old is the WORLD’s most dramatic child - and I don’t mean tantrums - I mean can stop your heart with a scream, cry real tears at will and can make you laugh til you cry with his inventive stories and physical story-telling. But the heart-stopping screams? I’ve heard them for years and have the same reaction every time - RUN TO SON NOW!
Which is how my toe was broken.

Me casually coding on Episode.
Son lets out a heart-stopping shriek and I hear a clatter of a dining chair hitting the floor
Husband and I assume the worst and immediately go into super mommy and daddy mode and race through the living room --he makes it through unscathed while I kicked the corner of my entertainment stand along the way.
Get to son, pick up and comfort

Me: “what happened, love?”
Son " I was moving the chair and it fell over and I thought it was gonna get me!"
“But then it didn’t!”
Me " Well, the doctor is going to get me - a cast."
Son: Can I draw on it?

So my loving, sweet, academy award winner thinks it’s funny that I hobble and my teen said “at least it’s your left foot so you can drive still, right?” Aren’t kids great? :joy:


The definition of bittersweet LMAOO
I can even imagine the whole thing in my head :sob: I just know your cast is gonna be very well decorated too, I guess it’s safe to say he won’t be bored anytime soon with the cast. feel better soon :yay:


Right? lol! I knew as soon as my foot hit that it was probably broken but I was in adrenalized mommy mode so I barely felt it – once I knew he was okay, however, owww!

He’ll have a blast and I will have a cast covered in “happy stickmen”. lol


You know what, with how often I stub my toe with the force of a thousand horses, I’m surprised one can even break their toe! I’m not a parent, but I have a little sister, and your story reminds me of her! Kids really are somethin😭

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I didn’t think it was possible either and I’ve broken (a lot of) bones in the past lol I must have kicked it like “this is sparta” with the top side of my foot* because the bruise is hideous and the swelling made my tattoo look weird :joy:


“Can I draw on it?” sounds like something 4-year-old Azzy would say! :joy: :joy:


Frr I miss my childhood…

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