Stories that want a shout out on my YT channel

I been thinking a lot lately to shout out 15 episode stories on my YouTube Channel. Since I decided to do something for the community. Of course if, I want to give small authors a chance here. On that note I’ll be picking 10 LL stories and 5 ink stories. No matter the genre or love interest.
Rules to get a shout out is:

  1. Your story must have good spot directing.
  2. Good Speechbubble directing.
  3. Good grammar.
  4. Please give credit to ppls art work, overlays or background, unless you edited it or made it yourself then there is no need for it.
  5. Story must use sound and music.
  6. Must follow me on IG: nightj_epi
  7. Subscribe to my YT: Night Academy
  8. DM on IG that you wish to enter.
    Anyways that’s about it.
    This will take action during beginning of Winter. Which is in Demerber 21.
    I just wanted to let authors know ahead of time, in order to be prepared. Don’t worry I’ll make an official post on when I’ll start taking stories here, and will make a post on my IG as well.
    Also, the last due date to enter will be end of Demerber.
    And if you wish to help me pick as Judge I’ll be needing 5 helpers. Of course, you’ll be given a shout out for helping me pick the stories. But if wish to be a judge, you won’t be able to enter the competition. Anyways if you wish to be a judge dm on IG.

@Sydney_H close this please.:wink:

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Closed by OP request. :smiley: