ICARUS - Story updates, sneak peaks, releases

:smiley: Hi, there! I just want to say congratulations and your post is inspirational! I’m glad to see your hard work had paid off and you had help! Your story does look and sound interesting and I totally love the cover! I will give your story and read and I just want to say good luck in the future chapters of the story! :star:

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Oh gosh, thank you! :blob_hearts: Replies like this is what makes all the work so much more worth it! Thank you so much for writing as well as for giving my story a chance. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did when I scripted it :blob_hearts: :white_heart:

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Wow, your story looks and sound super promising. Love the cyberpunk vibe I’m seeing, and you had me at investigating. I’ll go read it !

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Naww, thank you so much! That means so much to me! I hope you’ll enjoy it :blob_hearts: :white_heart:

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I’m sure I will! You are also so very welcome, too! :smiling_face:

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ICARUS just reached the milestone of 300 READS in almost 3 weeks(!) Thank you guys so much for giving my story a chance and showing your support! :white_heart:

To read ICARUS, click the link: READ ICARUS
For sneak peaks, updates and more, don’t forget to follow me on instagram @archangel.stories :white_heart:


Proud for you for what you achieved in your story so far! Wishing you nothing more but the best :heartbeat:

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m truly amazed at how many that has given my story a chance as well as sending such lovely messages. It truly makes it worth all the effort :blob_hearts:

I’m glad I can be part of those to motivate you in writing your story. Keep up the good work:))

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Thank you, dear :blob_hearts: I truly hope you’ll enjoy the continuation of ICARUS :white_heart:

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Hi, I finally found time to read all the episodes. Just wanted to say I truly loved it, the cyberpunk aesthetic, the characters, the mood of the story and the directing are awesome. The story got me really intrigued, and I can’t wait to read more of it.

Highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t started reading it yet <3 And I wish you good luck with the rest of the story !

(also the dog’s name. I hope it’s a mass effect reference, and if yes, i’m here for it.)

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Hey! :heart_eyes: I can’t even express enough how comments like this truly makes my day! Incredibly happy that you enjoyed your read of ICARUS :blob_hearts: Next episode will be released next weekend, so I hope you’ll enjoy the continuation as much!

(And yes, that’s a Mass Effect reference :see_no_evil: :joy: Tali as well as Garrus are my favorite characters from there and the trilogy is my absolute favorite game series :heart:)

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:pleading_face: I’m really glad this made you happy, I’ll definetely be reading the update next week and I’ll make sure to come back to tell you I enjoyed it.

(And we love a good Mass effect reference, they’re my favorite games too and Garrus is my go-to husband everytime I play :weary: :heart: )

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I’m looking forward to hear your thoughts! :blob_hearts:

(LOL, I can only say the same! My bf has to compete with the best husbando in the gaming world, so he hasn’t it easy :joy::see_no_evil:)

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Yesterday was a crazy day. Not only did ICARUS reach 500 reads, but it was also trending as number 1 in the thriller category! Thank you all so much for the support :blob_hearts:


To read ICARUS, click the link: READ ICARUS
For sneak peaks, updates and more, don’t forget to follow me on instagram @archangel.stories :white_heart:


Episode 6 has been released!
It’s been a crazy week to say the least. From trending number 1, to almost reaching 600 reads. Thank you all so much for the support! So, in order to celebrate, here’s number 6 for you all to read! Please, share ICARUS if you like it, I would be so grateful :white_heart:

Will you be able to solve what’s that’s going around the city or will you end up going to close to the sun? Why don’t you read and see? :white_heart:



Episode 7 has been released!
The craziness has continued and ICARUS soon reaches 700 reads. It’s crazy! I never thought ICARUS would get past 100 reads, so being close to 700 reads after just a month is insane to be frank! Thank you all so much for the support. For sharing, liking and reaching out with all your lovely messages! ICARUS would be nothing without you guys!

Will you be able to solve what’s that’s going around the city or will you end up going to close to the sun? Why don’t you read and see? :white_heart:

ICARUS by Archangel

A Thriller|Mystery|Sci-Fi - story

Story description
*A cunning detective and an evasive criminal cross paths and together they realize that flying too close to the sun might be their greatest downfall.


I’m a little late, but your story deserves more recognition!


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:flushed: :pleading_face: :face_holding_back_tears:

Thank you! :heart::sob:

Time to celebrate! ICARUS hit the 900 mark yesterday, which is insane! Thank you all so much for helping me and my story get to where it is. Your support and love means everything :face_holding_back_tears: :blob_hearts: