Text message background?

I need a text message background where I can have messages appear as their coming in and being sent out by my characters… It can’t mentioned being an iMessage or have carrier info though, but I’d like it to be blank so I can figure out how to have the texts show up on it…

Pls and thank you!

You can find it here: http://www.episodelife.com/2019/04/int-phone-messenger-day.html


Thank you, but I meant something like this…

minus the apple features

If you can send the details (names and whatever text you want), I’d be happy to make it for you!

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Hey! I have a message background that was already approved by the Episode team, but instead of using actual text message bubbles, I use the text phone format Episode already has. The background I have was also specifically designed by me for that format. If you need the contact at the top, I’m afraid I can’t help, but if what I described is what you need, I’ll be happy to send you the background and assist you if you need any help. :slight_smile:

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Hello, I have a background I just need help with the text bubbles!

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Hey I ended up making my own background, but thank you :slight_smile:

I could actually use some help with that if you don’t mind :sweat_smile:. How do I get the message (with the text format) to fit inside the speech bubbles of my background?

Well, I’m not really sure on how to do that… It’d be really hard to spot direct the text message bubbles with the bubbles from Episode.

What did you end up doing if you don’t mind me asking?

I made a message background with no bubbles at all and just used Episode’s text message format. It worked really well. :slight_smile:

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Ok! Thank you so much

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