The Blog Thread ❤

gasp a demotion?!

“Yes. T’is be sad, but necessary.”

A great sorrow has befalleth our fair Cricket and now she must journey to regain her honor

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All hail The Caterpillar Master.


Someone write a story about this

Let’s write a group contest story about the journey of Apprentice Cricket

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The journey from Apprentice Cricket to Cricket Master to the most legendary title of all: The Caterpillar Master

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Those of clan Caterpillar were destroyed by the spam bots hundreds of years ago, but unbeknownst to the kingdom, one legend is yet left…

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The Caterpillar Master shall rise to defeat the scaaaary spam bots once and for all.

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@Lady-Mehek @anime

I used to hate physics too and favour the other science, i also used to think I’d fail it but in the final term of last year, I got my shit together and actually begun understanding concepts so it was my highest final grade across all my subjects…

But then, something compelled me to drop bio (and later on chemistry) to study this topic and I don’t regret it. I probably won’t study it at uni but my physics teacher has been teaching me for three years now and he’s amazing! so sad we won’t have him next year

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physics is one of Those Subjects for me where I study seven hours for a test and constantly change up my methods and my teacher is probably irritated at the amount of times I’ve asked for other ways to study and I’ve got a tutor and I still fail the tests rip

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I reallyyyyyy wanted to like physics but I just hate physics

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Yeahhhh honestly I don’t know how I grew to like it .-. It’s probably because physics answers half of the questions I used to ask myself on a day-to-day basis and if I’m being 1000% honest, had I not gotten that teacher as my teacher, I probably would not even have considered taking it at this level.

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Time for PE. AKA The class of death. XD

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I hated P.E up til three years ago where we got to choose our own sports and had a wider variety so we kept playing the same game over and over again because it used a lot of teamwork (and you didn’t really have to be athletic) so we were super competitive about it to but now we don’t have p.e anymore… rip

Why? :sad:

Man, i have to agree, physics was one of my favourite classes back in high school, it’s the best!

god this boy plays the piano to start off drama class every day before we start doing actual stuff he’s so amazing at playing ahhh

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and certain others like the weed kids told him to stop playing for ten seconds so they could screech about something on Snapchat like eXCUSE YOU SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO APPRECIATE THIS

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