The "You" characters name won't show up

I was using Episode fine and using the [FIRSTNAME] command fine. So when you choose a name, you would have characters say your name by adding in [FIRSTNAME]. I don’t know why, but I tried to say [FIRSTNAME] again, and it showed up instead of, “Auto bot”, as “FIRSTNAME”. I have a few pictures. I tried on my first episode, and my second. So it worked the first time I used it on my first episode. Then it started to come out as “FIRSTNAME”. Here are the pictures: 42%20PM



Are you previewing on your laptop?

You cant use the type in name box on the previewer @Kinsailor

And I have a script temp for that background if you want to use it!

it’s like that on your computer, since you can’t type in the first name it generates “auto bot”.

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What is auto bot???

The default name on the web previewer since you cant type on the web previewer.

??? dont understand it xxx

If your on the web previewer your unable to type what your name is. So it defaults to “Auto Bot”. It only works on the mobile previewer. And if that doesn’t work that means you reset your story progress and jumped to a scene skipping the part where you choose your name.