Thoughts on non-standard outfits?

hi there! i’m a pretty big fan of fashion design, so it only makes sense i like not the typical, standard outfits lol (meaning dresses over jeans, lots of layers, cowboy boots with girly dresses etc).
i’m working on a story and i want my characters to show their personalities through their outfits, as i’m planning for their style to change as their personality traits progress. and i can’t really do that if they wear jeans and a t shirt throught the story :"))

so, what do you think of these outfits?

i’ve seen some people complaining about ugly outfits in episode stories that made them stop reading said story, so i want a larger opinion on these.
are these cute? would you read a story with more intercate outfits? :white_heart:

  • not a fan, but i’d still read
  • they’re cute!
  • i don’t mind the outfits if the plot is good
  • not a fan, i won’t read
0 voters

I love them. I like when people experiment w the clothes on episode. As a fashion girly myself, i wish more authors did that :sweat_smile:


im honestly thinking about making a story about fashiom design/modelling because i’ve made so many intercate outfits i have no use for :sob::sob:


bump :white_heart:

As long as you’ve written a fun story and the outfits fit the character/scene, I’m all for unique pairings. Far too many characters feel similar because of the outfits they’re put in, and it’s a bit disappointing. We can always do with more characters that like to experiment. : )


honestly the last one goes hard


These r seriously so stunning and refreshing to look at, and also so much prettier than ordinary basic outfits imo. It’s also a really creative way to show the character’s personality through their outfits so I say go for it!! I tried experimenting with outfits before and they never come out this good :joy_cat:


I LOVE THEM ALL but I think my absolute favourites are 2 and 6. I wish we could layer clothes properly as I am trying to make College outfits myself.


Actually, I love them very much. It takes time to find all the different pieces and make them work. I like it when authors are being creative with outfits.


These are gorgeous.


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