To the Reviewers who degrade and berate author's on episode

In response to what you said about me changing the thread, I’m actually not going to change it due to a few people disagreeing with what I said. It’s something that has been on my mind, and I voiced my opinion on the matter from my perspective, personal experience, things I’ve witnessed read, and just thought point views in general. While there maybe some authors who are just as rude, the topic is about reviewer’s who are rude, or disrespectful to author’s when reviewing their stories. I made the thread, and titled the thread like I did for a reason. If others don’t agree that’s cool. I didn’t write my thread to satisfy others point of views. People will agree, and disagree. Although, I specifically stated, that I’m only talking about the ones who berate, and degrade others when reviewing someone’s story. I even mentioned that I have met some really amazing reviewer’s. Whether it’s the reviewer or author, no-one should be putting someone down cause we all have to start from somewhere in order to progress, or to evolve into something better. I feel like some people are coming up with excuses instead of admitting that some reviewer’s are in the wrong. If a person doesn’t want to give the author words of encouragement fine but a person can give constructive criticism without putting someone down. I’m definitely not changing my thread just because of other’s, or them not liking like what I posted in my thread. I know what I said, and know exactly why I said what I said as well so I’m standing by what I said in my thread, and post.

Exactly! I have had bad experiences with some reviewers on here as well. I feel like reviewers shouldn’t be talking to authors any type of way just because they’re given the title of being reviewers. There is a certain way a person should talk to someone when reviewing that person story. Authors can handle constructive criticism but that doesn’t mean we should be tolerating any form of disrespect. Also, yes you’re right! Some of them have never even wrote a script, they don’t know how to direct, or anything of that nature so I just think some reviewer’s take advantage of their titles. Reviewers can give constructive criticism without putting someone down. Some people are getting mad with my post but I really don’t care cause wrong is wrong and right is right. Why should someone who has a passion for writing give up on their passion to write because some reviewer decided to degrade the author who is new at writing, or publishing scripts? Even though authors can also, be cruel or mean to reviewers, I’m writing this from an author’s perspective. I appreciate the few reviewers who can give constructive criticism without putting someone down. Words are powerful, and whether they realize it or not, every word of motivation, and encouragement helps others out.

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What?!?!?! That’s horrible.
The whole point of a review is to give constructive feedback so an author can improve their story. How is that constructive?

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Honestly I’ve read a few review threads and I have never seen anyone being rude to authors. If someone sends you a negative feedback in PM, I think you should be thankful for it, since he/she didn’t want to degrade your work in front of a lot people. (In case it is not something like “sorry, your story sucks”, but contains at least a few ideas on how you can improve it.)
As @LiaMina pointed out, the reviewer’s task is not to encourage you and uplift your story, but to give you constructive critism. There is no such title as “Reviewer”, they are actually other Episode users who voluntarily offer reviews to complete strangers in their free time, which is nice in my opinion…
What @Eleanor_W-15 mentioned is indeed horrible and shouldn’t have happened. But in general, if you request a review, you should be aware of the fact that there is a high chance not everyone will like what you did.


I know, my post was meant for the original discussion and not for you. I’m really sorry and disgusted about what happened to you.

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Okay so you read a few stories meaning not that many so therefore, you really don’t know if it’s is actually happening. Your experience is one thing but someone else’s experience may be totally different from yours especially if the person is getting their story read. Also, to you there is no such thing as them having that title, but if they’re reviewers who review peoples story then that’s why I gave them that title if you don’t agree with what I said cool that’s you life goes on. Just like reviewers are taking time out of their busy schedules to review our stories, we are also, taking “just as much time out of our busy schedules,” to ask others to review our stories so it goes both ways not just one way. Last but not least, again, I stated that many of us can handle constructive criticism but me, or any other author, should not have tolerate any type of disrespect. Just because someone doesn’t like the story, doesn’t mean they should get a pass at being disrespectful, and rude towards the author who put in a lot of work when it came to writing, and publishing a story. To sit there, and say someone should be thankful for it, because he, or she didn’t want to degrade your work in front of a lot of people is very immature, and ignorant to say the least when they shouldn’t be degrading, or putting the author down regardless if it was in front of others, or not. Do you not understand that authors are already discouraged enough as it is at times? Then to sit there, and trust someone to read your story, and give constructive criticism without putting someone down yet, the person takes advantage of his, or her position by degrading or discouraging the author. It’s not right!! You can say what you want but it’s not okay for anyone to put someone down when reviewing that persons story. Whether it’s their job or not, doesn’t negate the fact, that those who review others stories, have no business putting any author down. I feel like some of you are just coming up with the same “redundant excuses,” instead of admitting that doing this to someone who has a passion for writing, is 100 percent wrong. Would you like it if you were an author, and someone purposely put you down when reviewing your story? No?? Okay well then my point has been made!!! :thinking::woman_facepalming:t5::woman_facepalming:t5:

Just because a person gives you negative feedback doesn’t mean they should be rude or disrespectful towards you as an author so don’t even think those who review your story should get at a pass at being disrespectful because it’s not suppose to be tolerated. The same way we give respect, and respect those reviewing our story when asking them to review our stories is the same type of respect we should be receiving when receiving constructive criticism. Constructive criticism, should be given to uplift and encourage the author to become better at writing, or publishing scripts. So don’t think they should be allowed to talk you anyway because they aren’t suppose to degrade, or put you down when reviewing your story. What the person said to you was whole heartedly wrong, and I’m sick of people trying to come up with excuses instead of admitting that what some reviewers are doing to authors on episode is 100 perfect wrong!

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Okay, first of all I’m not doing reviews. I would love to, but I never had the “courage” to do it because I’m a very honest person and I know I could unintentionally offend someone. When you say you take as much time as the reviewer does, only by putting your story in a thread, I hope you know that is not true. It literally takes you about 2 seconds, while the reviewers have to read your story and write a feedback on it…
I’ve never said that someone who doesn’t like your story should be rude and disrespectful. I’ve actually said the exact opposite.
All I wanted to clarify is they are doing a favor to you, no matter if you like the outcome or not.
And regarding your last question: I’m an author and if my story needed improvement in different areas, I would be happy if someone drew my attention to it. I‘ve recently shared one of my stories in a review thread for the first time, and I really hope I will get a 100% honest review, because yeah, that’s what I’m interested in.


I have to agree with @Annieways here, but I don’t think any of us are actively disagreeing with you either. I personally never saw any horrifyingly rude reviews on the forum so I’m assuming you’re talking about reviews you’re receiving through PM or on your IG/fanmail etc.

The thing is, we’re talking about a very subjective matter. At which point do you consider criticism rude and degrading? Where’s the line between constructive criticism and the opposite? Take Simon Cowell, for example. A lot of people think of him as professional and overall fair in his judgment while others think of him as an unprofessional, rude and degrading judge. Personally, I think if someone who’s supposed to give you constructive criticism and help you improve is straight up insulting you and your work or throwing jabs at you as a person instead of focusing on your work and skills, that’s just plain wrong.

How do you tell someone who wrote an objectively terrible story that their story is absolutely terrible without hurting their feelings? What if their story is cliché, lazily written, and just plain… well… bad? As I mentioned above, it’s best for a reviewer (someone who directly interacts with the writer) to stick to criticizing the work and not the person with phrases like “this passage comes off as a lazy excuse to make up for the antagonist’s behavior, you might want to give him a more fleshed-out backstory” or “nearly all of the characters seem very one-dimensional, there needs to be more time spent on giving them some depth” or “the plot is honestly very cliché, maybe add a few twists to it?”. Those phrases aren’t nice to read about your work and the more effort you put in it, the more it can really sting, but sometimes it’s the truth and there really aren’t many other ways to put it.

Again, I don’t agree nor disagree. I’m just pointing out the grey area and I’d like to know where the line is drawn for you personally. Maybe include some examples, if possible? :blush:


Whether it takes 2 seconds or 4 minutes it doesn’t make a difference because we are also writers on episode. That time can be going towards finishing scripts. It could go towards working on our story but we are trusting the reviewer, and taking time to get our stories reviewed. It doesn’t make a difference know much time it takes the point is, that it still requires “time.” You also, missed the point I made so you can also go back and reread what I said if you didn’t understand what I said in my response. I said would you like it the reviewer purposely put you down while reviewing your story? I didn’t say anything about them giving constructive criticism from a positive aspect when I said that. So you didn’t answer the question directly. I’m going to assume you wouldn’t like it if someone did that to you in that case. If the person’s constructive criticism will help you improve your story then you should want that. I mean it’s common sense to want that when it will help you improve your story, or become better at what you do. What you shouldn’t want is someone purposely putting you down as an author just for the hell of it which some have a tendency of doing. If someone gives you negative feedback in PM, You said quote on quote “I think you should be thankful for it, since he/she didn’t want to to degrade your work in front of a lot of people.” Those are your words which you typed. No one should be degrading anyone in their inbox regardless if it’s out the open, or not. That’s like saying someone should be thankful for being degraded even though it was privately. I don’t condone any form for degrading, or bullying for that matter. People who review others stories aren’t suppose to be degrading the author. It’s a way to give constructive criticism without putting someone down. Constructive criticism doesn’t mean you can put someone down, or degrade someone just because you are reviewing someone’s story. Constructive criticism is given to help the person improve, or become better at what they do, or are already good at doing. There is a huge difference between the two.

You are free to agree or disagree with whom ever you want. People won’t agree with what I said and that’s understandable although, it’s kind of interesting to see others disagreeing when I specifically stated I was directing my post towards the ones who actually degrade and put others down while reviewing someone’s story. So I feel like nothing more needs to be said. I voiced my opinion on the matter because there are actual reviewers who actually do degrade, and put authors down just for the hell of it. That is wrong but if others what to play like it’s okay, and come up with excuses making it came like it’s okay that’s on them. It’s just interesting how people can’t even admit when someone is in the wrong nowadays. Nowdays, the person’s actions will be tolerated, excused, and people will come up with mediocre excuses to justify someone behavior. That’s on others as for me, I’m not allowing any person, or “reviewer,” to put me down, and degrade me while reviewing my story. I’m not asking to be respected I’m demanding it! Author’s put in a lot of time, and dedication when it comes to writing, or publishing scripts. I’d be a fool to let someone tell me I’m not not a good writer, or that I should give up writing because I suck at writing stories. Reviewer’s are in no position to put others down just because they are reviewing someone’s story. I said what what I said. If others don’t like it then that’s on them. There are some people reviewing this who understand where I am coming from so that’s all that matters to me.

That’s an interesting approach, I would never think I was doing a favor to anyone by working on my story. I do it because I like writing and that’s all.
I don’t know which point I missed, but I will gladly reply if you highlight it.
Constructive criticism is NOT from a positive aspect. Again, it shouldn’t be degrading, but its aim is to provide you ideas and suggestions about how you can improve something (as you also mentioned at the end of your post).
You don’t have to assume anything since I’ve already said I would love to know if my story was bad. Correct, I said that you should be thankful for something like this and I will stick with that.
I absolutely agree with @AllyJay: it must be really hard to tell someone in a gentle way that their story is terrible. I hope you won’t misunderstand this, because I’m not talking about you here, I’m talking in general.

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Hmm… Who’s making excuses? And who are you directing all of that venting to? I suppose it isn’t to me since it doesn’t look like you addressed anything I asked and talked about in my post. I guess this is not the right thread for any kind of debate, my mistake :thinking: Best of luck anyway! :blush:

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Again, there a difference between someone telling you your story is bad, and someone purposely putting you down you still aren’t getting it so after this, the conversation is over on my end cause I keep repeating the same thing over, and over just for you to misconstrue my words, or to not fully comprehend what I’m saying in general, and it’s getting kind of annoying to say the least. I’m not highlighting anything if you don’t understand my overall message, that’s on you at this point because I was pretty clear with what I have said, and have been saying so I’m definitely not “highlighting” anything. If it helps you improve your story, or writing ability, then yes, it can be seen from a positive aspect. What if the persons story wasn’t even bad? What if the person had a really good story, and the person just decided to put the author down for the hell of it? Will you still say, it was constructive criticism, and that it helped the author even if it discouraged the author to give up writing all together despite the fact, that he, or she may have had a really good story? Smh also, don’t misconstrue my words cause not one time did I say, I was doing anyone a favor by asking them to read my story. You made it seem like asking others to read our story didn’t require time when it does. It may not be that much time but it still requires time. Just like they are taking time out of their busy schedules to read our stories, we are using that same time which could be used towards improving our scripts so it goes both ways. I’m grateful to each reviewer who can give constructive criticism without putting someone down, or who has taken the time to review my story, and I always let them know that. I’m just not about to let anyone tell me it’s okay for reviewers to put me down as an author just because they’re giving out constructive criticism, or that they’re allowed to degrade me in private, and that I should be grateful for them telling me how awful my story is. Here’s the thing, some reviewers are putting others down on episode just for the heck of it, and that’s not okay. Some give reviews, and will say the persons story was bad, or that it sucked when in actuality it really didn’t. Some authors become discouarged to the point that they give up writing. So I don’t agree with you. If your story is bad then it’s okay to give constructive criticism without putting someone down. Reviewer’s are not suppose to be putting anyone down when giving out constructive criticism. Again, yes, constructive criticism can be seen from a positive aspect if it’s helping th person improve their writing skills. These are my last, and final thoughts on what you had to say. Take care😊

No not you, I wasn’t talking to you I was speaking form an overall perspective when I said I feel like people are coming up with excuses. So no I wasn’t talking to you, if that was the actual case, I would have directed my response to you. I would have said “Ally, I feel like you are coming up with excuses.” The only thing I said to you directly was that you are free to agree, and disagree with who ever you want on here then I started talking about my post so anything said after that was from an overall perspective lol. I was speaking from an “overall perspective.” If you don’t want to debate that’s cool too. I just feel like people are misconstruing my words when I stated everything I meant in my original post. It was geared towards the reviewers who actually degrade, and put authors down when reviewing someone’s story.

Yes, I agree that some reviewers can be rude, but they do take the time to read through your stories, even if they don’t enjoy reading it because they prefer a different style, genre, etc, they do it anyway. And many reviewers also put in they’re bio/ post a disclaimer saying that they may be “brutally honest”, so initially it’s the author’s choice if they want to hear an honest (and sometimes disappointing review) or a review that makes you feel good about yourself. What is NOT okay is when reviewers say your story is bad for one mistake. It’s okay to say “your story had quite a few grammar errors”, but it’s not okay to say “your story sucked because you had grammar errors.” You can’t call a reviewer bad because they are honest about a story.

Well I’ve actually reviewed quite a few stories by some authors on episode and whether the story is good or bad, I usually tell the person the pros first then I go to the cons. I try to keep the author encouraged regardless if the or story is good, or not when giving out constructive criticism. If they have a bad story I don’t discourage the author because he or she might just starting out when it comes to writing scripts so I bear this in mind as well. If they have certain spot directing errors I suggest certain things they can incorporate into certain scenes in order to be better at spot directing, or directing in general. I tell the author to keep writing or write them some type of motivational words because it’s not easy writing a script. I think doing this will help the person out whether they’re good at writing scripts, or not. I just think ever little bit of encouragement helps cause it might encourage, or inspire that author whose story wasn’t as good to become better at writing.

I understand where you are coming from but I still think reviewers can give constructive criticism without putting someone down. Some will review someone’s story, and claim the person’s story is bad when it’s really not bad at all. So I’m looking at it from both perspectives. I mean of course we don’t want to be sugar coated, and a lot of author’s should want the brutal truth when getting their stories reviewed but I just think there are also, some reviewers who tell others their stories are bad just for the heck of it, or who have tendency of putting others down just for the heck of it as well so from that aspect, the author shouldn’t be forced to put up with that. I had some really amazing reviewer’s who have reviewed my story, and who have gave some constructive criticism without putting me down, and I’m grateful to them for that but there are others who review others stories for all the wrong reasons. If someone is just starting off writing, and have never wrote a script before I don’t think the reviewer should be telling the author to discontinue the story. I mean it’s not easy to write, or publish a script. It takes time, and dedication to become a great writer. I t doesn’t happen overnight so that’s why I said “words of encouragement help.” If the reviewer is giving constructive criticism without putting someone down then cool but if they’re putting the person down just for not really knowing how to write a script, then to me that’s wrong. Maybe I’m looking at this from a different perspective I guess.

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