Two Overlays moving

How to move two overlays t the same time? I knowhow to do one but i need to add another and I need it to move after another.

You can do it like this:

@overlay OVERLAY1 shifts to x y in t AND overlay OVERLAY2 shifts to x y in t

Or this:

& overlay OVERLAY1 shifts to x y in t
@overlay OVERLAY2 shifts to x y in t

Oh, Thank you!

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Let me know if you need more help :tulip:

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ok thanks, One question I moving one overlay from one place to another, my script is &overlay 4630714435567616_OVERLAY WELCOME shifts to -54 479 in zone 1
@overlay 4630714435567616_O scales to 1.936 1.936
and I need to move another with the same script .

Then I’d suggest putting everything in one command using AND. Like this:

@overlay 4630714435567616_OVERLAY WELCOME shifts to -54 479 in zone 1 AND overlay 4630714435567616_O scales to 1.936 1.936 … here comes second overlay

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Ok, Thanks I will try :heart:

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if you you wan to more things happen together the & is in my opinion better solution - using AND works too but you will have long lines where is hard to find mistake.

the rule for & is that all lines with & happen togethwr with @ or dialogue under it


all3 commsnds will happen together

but if you would write it :

only the first will happen together

you can have any ammount of lines with & above the @ if you would neet more things to happen together

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I have two overlays “Welcome” and “A la plage”. my script is like this
&overlay 4630714435567616_OVERLAY WELCOME shifts to -38 534 in zone 1
@overlay 4630714435567616_OVERLAY WELCOME scales to 1.936 1.936

@overlay 4630714435567616_OVERLAY WELCOME shifts to -34 254 in zone 1 in 1
&overlay 4630714435567616_OVERLAY WELCOME scales to 1.936 1.936

@overlay 4630714435567616_ALAPLAGE shifts to -46 -62 in zone 1
@overlay 4630714435567616_ALAPLAGE scales to 1.306 1.306

&overlay 4630714435567616_ALAPLAGE shifts to -32 197 in zone 1 in 1
@overlay 4630714435567616_ALAPLAGE scales to 1.306 1.306

I want move first Welcome, which will move from above to center and A LA PLAGE I want to move from down to center. So I was trying but nothing happenes, only welcome is moving and ALAPLAGE ist seen either.

did you set the opacity of the overlays to 1?

also what background do you use?

Yes of course, I did!

I used background,but what you mean opacity of overlay?

&overlay NAME opacity 1 in 0

of you used command creates the overlay is transparent till you will set the opacity to 1 - if you do not see them one of the reasons might be the opacity is 0 so they are transparent.

WHAT background do you use? Overays do not work well on the original episode BLACK backgrounds - therefore I am asking.

Oh I understand, I am using Episode’s background. I will change it. Thanks for helping!

if its the BLACK background than you realy havevto upload your own the BLACK backgrounds both night and day seen to have bug

No its not black background, its seaside episode background

than you do not need to change it only the BLACK backgroung makes problem with overlay - than the problem is elswhere.

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