Understanding character point and flags/gain

Okay, so I having trouble understanding character’s points and flag/gains. I know how character’s points works. I heard that they don’t reset in the reader stories, but it does for us writer when we are coding it in, is that right? If it is would I code it in my new chapter like this?
Or would I do this?

I want my story direction to changed in the way that the MC select their choices which effects everything in the story.

Also for flags/gains will it be remember down later in many chapters? For example MC has the choices to talk to LI1 and LI2, and they chose LI2 instead of LI1. Then in two chapter later, LI1 will not speak to MC. However if MC chose to speak to LI1 instead then later LI1 will chose to speak to MC. Another example would be if MC chose to lied to LI then in a different chapter when LI finds out that MC lied, LI get mads at them. And what does it mean when you can’t removed gains?

And can you used both character’s points and flags/gains at the same time?
And how would I code in flags/gain because I having a very hard time understanding that.

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Dara Amarie has a segment on this topic if it helps

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Thanks, but I already looked at this. What I meant was if in my next chapter would I write
because the coding on my side is reset to 0 but it’s not for the reader, right? or would I code the one below
because I want the story to slowly build the points over time and then the points will help determine major factors of the story. I want it to be only certain amount of points will unlocked certain scenarios.

If you want to test it works on your end in the portal, code it like this

But for the reader like you said, they will be accumulating points throughout the story, so your final code needs to be like this

By the way, with gains, once a reader earns it they will have it forever.

The way I code it is like this:
The reader has earned a gain by picking a banana instead of an apple. So the gain they earned was “picked_banana”. (note that there will also be a gain present and earned if the reader choice to pick apple)

Later on if I want to mention that they picked the banana or it’s their favourite, I usually do if statements.

if (picked_banana) {

I actually love bananas!

} else {

I actually love apples!


raw and untested example 2 😹

you could also do this in different ways where maybe if they picked the banana, they cannot pick it again later on.

if (picked_banana) {

label start_choice1

< LOCKED > “I want the banana!” {

Since you picked it last time, you can’t!

goto start_choice1

} “Apple it is, then.” {

Here you go!

} else {

“Banana it is, then” {


} < LOCKED >“I want the apple!” {

Since you picked it last time, no,

goto start_choice1



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Okay, I think I understand it better now. Thanks!

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There is a new command to remove gains, loseFlag.
It’s in this post.

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WHAT!!! I didn’t know about this.

So for example would I code it like this:

“Yes, we’re friends” {
gain HAJIN_rude_yes
(We’re friends, I can always help him)
“No, it’s rude” {
gain HAJIN_rude_no
(No, even if we are friends, that doesn’t mean I can intrude on his personal life)

then when I want to reference it in future uses would I do this

if (HAJIN_rude_yes)

Would ‘else’ refer to HAJIN_rude_no? If it does, do I not need to use HAJIN_rude_no in the gain or I need to do it? Does my questions make sense?

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Yes, ‘else’ would basically refer to HAJIN_rude_no. If the person reading doesn’t have HAJIN_rude_yes, they’ll automatically be referred to the ‘else’.

You don’t need to use HAJIN_rude no. (you can as i explain it a bit in the summary a different way) but simply, you don’t need to as ‘else’ would just automatically refer to whoever doesn’t have the gain, HAJIN_rude_yes.


If you want some more clarity for yourself on it, you could do 2 if statements, one for each gain. one if statement will have HAJIN_rude_yes scene and one if statement will have HAJIN_rude_no scene. Whatever of the two gains they have, they will be going to that if statement, no need to put ‘else’. I remember doing it like this once, but if/else should work anyway :smile:

if (HAJIN_rude_yes) {

scene here


if (HAJIN_rude_no) {

scene here


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Okay, thanks so much!

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