Unusual thing ever!

:joy::joy:lol :rofl:

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Thanks for the tag :crazy_face:
Unfortunately, I canā€™t really think of anything funny right now, sorry.

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Honestly I canā€™t think of anything at the moment but thanks for the tag


Oooooh okay so I forgot what story it was but likeā€¦ It was super creepy and I was weirded tf out. So I think the story is banned but this girl runs away from her parents and starts dating this old dude who like kidnapped her and gets her pregnant then the baby is like all grown up and he gets his girl daughter pregnant and it kept going and then the mom had cancer and died and it was soooo creepy and I was like disgusted. :eyes: worst minutes of my life right there. :point_right:t3::door::orangutan:

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not related to a story but a meme on Instagram where a teen has an argument with her mom for getting her stuff like a new phone, TV etc but her mom denies every single wish of hers and asks her daughter if she thinks sheā€™s made of money. Her daughter (the teen) answers, well, thatā€™s the full form of Mom isnā€™t it?

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Yes! :joy:
The story is fine tho :star_struck: