What is good sound for story

hello guys, i am trying out what’s good sound for my upcoming story on epsiode

Umm… I don’t really get what you mean :eyes:

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idk how much to help you but you can use this link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/1uTivQ_gyhOBfpw9YMg0CvInTv3qv6XXK/edit?filetype=msexcel forgot whos the made this list, and i dont remember if these are updated with new musics/songs we get


Oh she wants the list of episode music?

idk haha i hope so :smiling_face_with_tear:

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This playlist have 90% of episode sound and music if you want to hear them first before choosing music and sounds for your story (if that’s what you need)


if thats the case, both @/Riaaepisode and I gave you links for sounds you could use for your story. Hopefully those work for you. :smile:

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thank you for your help