What's the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality?

For my next story, I plan to include bisexual (MC) and pansexual (her stepbrother) characters. Don’t worry, they don’t get involved with each other. Otherwise, it would be gross! Therefore, I have also read various articles and definitions and would like to know if I understood the difference between bisexual and pansexual correctly.

According to the articles and definitions, I’ve read so far, bisexuals are romantically and/or sexually attracted to more than one gender, usually male and female (transpeople included, not only cis). Pansexuals are romantically and/or sexually attracted to all genders (not only male and female but non-binary, genderfluid, agender etc. included). They don’t really have a preference.

Are the definitions correct? Did I get it right? Some labels can be very confusing to an outsider (yep, I’m an outsider). That’s why I want to know and understand the differences so that I don’t do anything wrong. Best from someone who is bi or pan.

And here are more questions I want to know (ONLY if you’re bi or pan):

  • How can I show/make the differences “visible”?
  • Are there certain things that I should know when writing bi and pan characters?
  • Is there anything that you absolutely don’t want to see? (e.g. stereotypes, prejudices etc.)

It would be great if you could help me out. If you are neither bi nor pan, then it would be better to tag people who are bi or pan. It’s about representing them better, and basic knowledge doesn’t help me much.

Thanks in advance! :blush:

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I see it as,

straight likes vanilla ice cream,
Gay like chocolate
Bi likes both
Ace dont like ice cream.
Pan, dont care if its either they are just happy for ice cream

I am pansexual, but I am also demisexual, and I dont how much of my attraction here is pan or dem.

I am not attraced to people because of their gender, I am attracted to people in genreal. gender is not what attract me to a person. its them.

advice. dont say but act, like dont throw out, she is panseuxal, in first episode. or second or third. I often see people say they are sexuality. and then dont show it.

Maybe talk about what kind of clothes she find attractive on a partner, personally, these are my clothing I attrat to


you can also talk about famouse people or tv show characters they are into, properly has to make someone up because of the rules.


First of all, I want to say that it’s great that you’re doing research on the sexualities before you use it in your story! :relaxed:

I identify as bisexual (but, I’m questioning my label, but that’s another story :sweat_smile:) and I think the definitions you mentioned are good enough.

Some things I’d like to mention;

  • Be aware that people that identify as pansexual are “gender blind”. It’s true that they don’t have a preference, but that’s because they basically are attracted to the person itself (personality for example).
  • Please avoid stereotypes and don’t make their sexuality their whole personality. For bisexual women, the stereotypes I see are mostly things like having a huge preference for women (“I’m 99% women and 1% Harry Styles!”), dressing alternative, listening to indie music, having coloured hair, having “daddy issues” and lots more. Of course, it can happen that someone (/your MC) has that, but from my experience, I feel like I am not a real bisexual if I don’t have those things, because I don’t :frowning:
  • Please avoid jokes that can be hurtful to some readers. For example, for pansexuals “so, you are attracted to pans?” or for bisexuals “so, you’re half gay, half straight”?. I personally find the half gay, half straight joke funny, but lots of other bisexuals don’t :slight_smile:

Thanks for your replies! :blush:

I know this example with pizza instead of ice cream, but this is also a good example.

Don’t worry, I won’t do that. I plan to add a Q&A at the end of every episode, and if a reader wants to know the characters sexuality, they’ll know it in the Q&A. I’ve figured that it would be unnatural to say in every sentence their sexuality. In general, their sexualities are just little parts of who they are, but that’s it.

Thank you! I’ll keep that in mind.

Noted. :+1:

Don’t worry, I’ll write and treat them as human beings. In fact, they have unique personalities and interests/dislikes. I could introduce the MC without revealing too much as I have to plan and develop the plot.

About the MC

About the MC:

  • she’s an art restorer
  • she listens to every music genre, but not heavy metal
  • she’s more a natural type of person, means she doesn’t apply much makeup and doesn’t dye her hair
  • I’d describe her clothing style as comfy, bohemian, rather feminine but also wears pants, likes different types of prints and patterns
  • Interests: doing pottery, painting, drawing, nature, reading books, doing arts and crafts, art in general, travelling, naturalness,
  • Dislikes: high-tech stuff (she watchs TV and uses technology(smartphone, laptop etc.) but doesn’t like talking about technology and newest inventions), bullies, people without personalities, drama queens, drama in general, fake people, mathematics, alcohol
  • Strengh: She is sociable, creative, helpful and easy to inspire. She is a person you like to be friends with.
  • Flaws: She’s not good at dealing with conflict. When she’s in trouble, she runs away from problems instead of solving them. She gets easily overwhelmed when someone has mood swings. She doesn’t know how to deal with pessimistic people. Sometimes a little naive. She tries to be as positive as possible but doesn’t always work out (because she’s a human being like everyone else). That’s something she’ll learn as the story progresses.

Even though my story is going to be a comedy and slice of life story, I won’t include hurtful jokes about their sexuality, background etc. You’re right, some people can laugh about those jokes, but it’s not wise to include them here on Episode.

Thank you both for your helpful comments! :blush:

Are you from the Netherlands, @LiliStar ? If yes, hi neighbour! Greeting from Germany!


Yes, I am, hello :smiley: :wave:

I wish you the best of luck with your story, by the way! I’d love to read it after it’s done :blob_hearts:

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