What's your greatest fear(s)?

I’m scared of spiders
Not the biggest fan of the dark.
Kidnapping, murder, generic stuff like that :joy:
Not being accepted in society
Not being good enough
Don’t particularly like small spaces or elevators
Not the biggest fan of ghost and paranormal stuff
And many, many more things…
Wow I have a lot of fears…

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ugh just thinking about being left alone makes me scared so i feel you on this one!

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Omg me too ! lol I hate going outside at night because i live right by the woods. It’s creepy

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Omg same! Except… they weren’t shadows… :frowning:


Okay i now i m the weirdest person ever but i get really really really scared of seeing blood. Doesnt matter whose. Blood scares me so much. So yep. That and i am real scared of horror movies and even images. (Its a childhood incident)

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I have normal fears like roller coasters or any high scary ride. They make my palms sweat and raise my anxiety to the maximum. BUT my biggest fear is losing someone I love. It’s a sentimental fear but it’s a really scary feeling for me.


Makes sense …

Would anyone want acid coming up your throat? XD

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