Where did you learn how to code?

I learned from MaryDSava’s patreon. I was her patreon for like a half a year maybe but I learned so much.


I learned the basics from the forums, but most of it just came from trial and error. Once you’ve figured out the easy stuff, I highly recommend just coming up with ideas and trying them for yourself to see what works and what doesn’t. I’ve been coding for a little over a year now, but feel like I’ve improved so much and anytime someone asks “How can I do XYZ?” I have an answer for them.

As @Licorice said, reading other stories with advanced directing is a great way to improve your coding. I’ll read advanced stories, sometimes more for the directing than the story, and just try to figure out how the author pulled off the directing tricks they did. It really gets you in the mindset of advanced directing and can give you some great ideas.


Thank you so much ^^


Thank you ^^

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I learnt from joseph evans videos completely and after alot of practice I was able to do advanced coding. But I took a break from episode and now I’m completely blank :joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


once you fully understand the coding its somewhat easy to know what you have to do to get certain effect.

There is no tutorial on complex coding its simply about step by step learning and trying all till one day you will realize you do not need to look it up anmore.

Its individual but it took me like half year till I have got there so do not expect to learn all quickly.:sweat_smile:

What helps after you learn the basic from tutorials is asking on forum. There is always someone who will explain you how is what done.


I’m mostly self taught but I learned from creators like Joseph Evan. He doesn’t have a lot of the things you need to know though, so if you need any assistance, I would be happy to help.


A lot of my progress was made through practice. I looked at the dara amarie guides to see how things worked and then did it myself. I mostly learned how to do things myself, though!


I started coding my first story about two weeks ago and I already got the hang of it! Of course, everyone learns at a different pace, but most of it is just practice and trial & error. You can watch Joseph Evans, Episode TV, and Episode Notes on YouTube. Forums also help a lot, but I personally learn faster from YouTube since I’m a visual learner. You’ll learn something new about coding every day, so just incorporate that with what you already know and build on from there. I’m sure you’ll be a pro in no time! I hope this helped! :relaxed:


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