Would you rather? game


  • One player asks a question, starting with “Would you rather…”, followed by two options.
  • Players take turns answering the question, choosing one of the options.
    key rule! the person who answers the question then gets to ask the next Would You Rather question. :heart:

I’ll start Would you rather live without the internet for a year OR without electricity for a year?

I @Iris2Sam A year without electricity. I can’t be cut off from the world. Would you rather live in a hostile place and isolate yourself from the world or live in a toxic place?

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I would isolate myself from the world I’d never have to worry about awkward small talk :joy: Would you rather be able to read people’s minds OR be able to turn invisible?

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If I become invisible and there is a person who can read minds, that person cannot for me because I am invisible :sweat_smile:. So I take invisible lol. Do you prefer a bad guy who destroys the earth to save you or a good guy who destroys you to save the earth ? (Test of generosity :wink:)

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Well if good ppl in world still exist than I prefer a good guy who destroys me :sob: to save the earth let’s be real, being destroyed by a hero to save the Earth is a bit… harsh. :joy: unless it’s true love there has to be another way :joy: would you rather be able to eat any food you want and never get full, or be able to sleep for as long as you want and never be tired?

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I take the second option, sleeping is my favorite pastime. Would you rather be so beautiful that countries go to war to have you as a “national treasure”, or be so smart that your crane swells every time you have to make a serious decision?

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I’m gonna go with option 3: None of the above! Just kidding :joy: I would rather be so smart that my crane swells every time I have to make a serious decision Would you rather never have to brush your teeth again OR never have to shower again? :tooth:

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Sorry for the delay I had things to do. Brief. I opt for the body. The teeth once it’s damaged there’s nothing more you can do. Would you rather receive hate on the internet or drink rotten seaweed soup?

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True :joy: I would drink rotten seaweed soup, what’s the worst that could happen it’s just soup, right? :joy:
Would you rather be able to time travel to the past or the future

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I prefer…the past because if I can modify the past it’s a bit like I’m creating the future. Would you rather work hard and earn little or cheat and earn a lot?

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I would rather work hard and earn a little. Would you rather give up TV or the Internet?

this is a hard one but i guess TV…
would you rather be a famous actor or a famous singer?

I would rather be a singer, singing is one of my specialties
Would you rather have a third eye on your forehead or third arm on your back :joy:

Ahh it’s horrible! I think…That I prefer an eye on the forehead, at least I could close it and put on foundation…You prefer to help people without any recognition or live feeling like you are losing the taste for life.